Scrolling informations for Recalbox v4.x or later using 16x2 CLCD on Raspberry Pi.
Small script written in Python for Recalbox project
running on Raspberry Pi 2,3, which displays all necessary info on a 16x2 CLCD display.
You must scrape your rom to make this script work correctly when playing.
- Original version of the recalbox script from Godhunter74
- Original project for retropie from zzeromin /~
- Thanks to zzeromin smyani, zerocool, GreatKStar
- Recalbox team
- Current Date and Time
- IP address of eth0, wlan0
- CPU Temperature and Speed
- Emulation and ROM informations
- Daemon provide to manage start/stop of the script
- Raspberry Pi 3
- Recalbox 18.02.09
- 16x2 I2C HD447800 LCD (A00)
You will need an CLCD I2C like the HD44780 with rom A00 (Ascii support + japanese characters) or A02 (Ascii + European Characters)
Connection of the I2C to a Raspberry Pi 3
- connect in ssh to your Recalbox and mount partition to rw mode
mount -o remount, rw /
- Copy file to /recalbox/scripts
- Execute the script with command :
- Follow the text on screen to proceed to the installation.
Note: you could have to relaunch the script a second time to complete the installation (indicate on screen before reboot). The script also provide a way to uninstall Recalbox-clcd.
- connect in ssh to your recalbox and mount partition to rw mode
mount -o remount,rw /
mount -o remount,rw /boot
- Edit /etc/modules.conf
- Add at the end of the file
- Edit the /boot/config.txt
- add following lines in it:
#Activate I2C
- Edit the /boot/cmdline.txt
add at the end of line
- reboot your Recalbox
You should check your I2C address of 16x2 CLCD as this device can have a different address. Those are two address each other normally => 0x27 or 0x3f.
Execute the following command (could take some time to complete)
i2cdetect -y 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 27 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
In our example the I2C adress is 0x27
- connect in ssh to your Recalbox and mount partition to rw mode
mount -o remount, rw /
Copy the clcd folder inside /recalbox/scripts with winscp for example
Check that recalbox_clcd.lang are also in the /recalbox/scripts/clcd folder
Copy S97LCDInfoText to /etc/init.d/
then give execute right on all files
chmod +x /recalbox/scripts/clcd/
chmod +x /recalbox/scripts/clcd/
chmod +x /recalbox/scripts/clcd/
chmod +x /recalbox/scripts/clcd/
chmod +x /recalbox/scripts/clcd/recalbox_clcd.lang
chmod +x /etc/init.d/S97LCDInfoText
- edit line #22 in in /recalbox/scripts/clcd/ with the correct I2C address, you have recover before (in our example :0x27).
# LCD Address
ADDRESS = 0x27 # or 0x3f
- reboot your Recalbox, the script will now launch automatically on start, and exit and turn off LCD backlight during shutdown of your Recalbox
To make this script work with ScummVM, they should be scrape but the path in the gamelist.xml should be a folder and not the ScummVM "fake file".
instead of