Bobby is a Discord bot built on the Akairo framework alongside Discord.js with the purpose of developing our skills and experience as well as providing us a fun bot to use and play with on our community and private Discord servers.
- Crypto Currency Price fetching
- Fun commands
- Easy to use eval commands
- Fully functional music system
- Informational commands
- Moderation features
- NodeJS, you will need NodeJS v12 or above.
- Git, you will need Git.
- crypto - Used to check the current value of a specific currency
- btc - Used to check the value of bitcoin
- token - Alias of crypto
- value - Alias of crypto
- eval - Used to run javascript code (Can be very dangerous)
- 8ball - Ask the 8ball something
- hug - Hug someone
- github - Get a link to the official repository
- reload - Reload all or a specific module
- say - Say something as the bot
- tts - Send a tts message as the bot
- userinfo - Get info on a specific Discord user
- ban - Ban someone from your guild
- kick - Kick someone from your guild
- prune - Prune messages up to 2 weeks old
- Music Commands
- add - Add a song to the queue
- clearqueue - Clear the current queue
- queue - Display the current queue
- leave - Tell the bot to leave the channel
- nowplaying - Check the current song progress
- pause - Pause the current song
- play - Play something
- remove - Remove a song from the queue
- repeat - Loop the current playing song
- resume - Resume the current paused song
- volume - Change the volume % of the bot
- shuffle - Shuffle all the songs in the queue
- skip - Skip the current playing song
- stop - Stop playback and clear the queue
- help - View all commands or help on a specific command
- marco - Get a polo return
- ping - Check the ping of the bot to your server and to the API
- serverinfo - Get info on the current guild
- uptime - Check the uptime of the bot