A stepper with a label in the middle. Tap the buttons to increase or decrease the value.
Initialise the view and add it as subview.
stepperView = StepperView(frame:CGRect(x:100,y:100, width:100, height:50)) view.addSubview(stepperView)
Stepper color can be set using this method. Default: light gray and white
stepperView.setStepperColor(buttonBackgroundColor: .blue, buttonTextColor: .white)
Boarder color. default: black
stepperView.setBoarderColor(boarder: UIColor.gray)
Label background color and text color. Default: white and black
stepperView.setValueTextAndBackgroundColor(valueBackgroundColor: .white, valueTextColor: .blue)
Default text. Default: 1.0
stepperView.setValueText(value: 3.0)
Set jump value. Default: 1.0
stepperView.setJumpValue(jump: 0.5)
Min Max value. Default: 0.0 and 15.0
stepperView.setMinMaxValues(min: 1.0, max: 9.0)
Set Stepper titles. Default: + and -
stepperView.setIncrementDecrementButtonText(incrementTitle: "😄", decrementTitle: "😞")
Set Stepper Images. Default: No image.
stepperView.setIncrementDecrementButtonImage(incrementButtonImage: #imageLiteral(resourceName: *ImageName*), decrementButtonImage: #imageLiteral(resourceName: *ImageName*))
Chandrika Rao C
See the LICENSE file for info.