- About the Project
- The Back-End API
- How To Use it
- Tecnologies used
- Author
- Show your Support
- Acknowledgements
The objective of this project was to create a tracking App in which a user is presented with a list of things to be measured. In this app we have users, illness and tracking tables so is an app about health care.
Live version of the project:
The back-end for this project consists of a REST API that manages the "finalproject-api" database. This database is integrated by the next tables:
User Table: For storing username, and encrypted password and password confirmation
Illness Table: For storing the name of the illness, and its description. It is depended on the user.
Tracking Table: Include the daily information of the illness. This information includes:
- Temperature
- Mood
- Date
- Medicines
- Symptoms
git clone /~https://github.com/Ceci007/final-capstone-api.git
cd project-name
bundle install
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
rails server
- Ruby on Rails
- Heroku
- Postgresql
- Rspec
- bcrypt
👤 Cecilia Benitez
- Github: @Ceci007
- Twitter: @CeciDeveloper
- Linkedin: LinkedIn
- Portfolio: cecibenitez.com
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