by Laura Dell' Antonio and Jakolien den Hollander
Our stakeholder, the World Health Organisation (WHO) wants to get an insight into the world wide Covid-19 pandemic with a focus on the relationship between the number of COVID-19 cases and:
- Mask wearing
- Social distancing The WHO is hoping for our analysis to provide proof that mask-wearing and social distancing are effective means in reducing the number of COVID-19 cases world wide.
Do the advised measures, staying at home and wearing masks, flatten the curve of COVID-cases? This is measured by comparing countries in which inhabitants adhere to these measures to countries in which these measures are not being adhered to.
- Presentation to the WHO, especially to the COVID task force, on our findings on how mask-wearing and social distancing relate to the COVID numbers in various countries around the globe.
- Interactive map with a play button showing how the COVID cases develop as well as how mask-wearing and social distancing measurers change over the months.
- A model to predict the number of COVID cases based on mask-wearing and social distancing.
Requires node to be installed (
conda create --name capstone python=3.8.5
conda install -n capstone pytest==6.1.1
conda install -n capstone ipython
conda install -n capstone jupyterlab
conda install -n capstone seaborn
conda install -n capstone scikit-learn
conda install -n capstone numpy
conda install -n capstone pandas
conda install -n capstone statsmodels
conda install -n capstone sklearn
conda install -n capstone nb_conda
conda install -n capstone xlrd
conda install -c plotly plotly=4.13.0
conda install jupyterlab "ipywidgets=7.5"
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-plotly@4.13.0
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager plotlywidget@4.13.0
conda install -c conda-forge dash
pip install tensorflow
pip install keras
conda install -c districtdatalabs yellowbrick
Interactive Dashboard:
- A selection option (wearing masks/social distancing) showing how COVID numbers change in countries in which mask wearing and social distancing are being practiced compared to where they are not.
The WHO is interested in cultural and political impacts on social distancing measures.
- CULTURAL: impact of national preferred interpersonal distance on social distancing
- POLITICAL: impact of Trump’s tweets on social distancing in the US
- If we cannot obtain the twitter data, another NLP component will be introduced.