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Error Messages

kevin-cassia edited this page Mar 12, 2019 · 93 revisions

For HTTP 500 error, the following are the common error messages:

parameter invalid Wrong parameter value, such as chip ID, MAC address or advertise type is wrong.
device not found It is possible that this device is disconnected. A GATT call to query the attribute of a disconnected device will return this error.
memory alloc error When the Bluetooth chip does not have enough memory to complete the operation it will return this error.
operation timeout Each operation has a time-out value, especially those timeconsuming operations, such as connection. When connecting to a device that does not exist, the operation will timeout after the 20s.
chip is not ready This error will be reported when sending commands to the chip fails.
chip is busy All the GATT commands are mutually exclusive. The continuous call will return this busy error. For example, when calling a connect request before the previous connect request finished, the system will return "chip is busy".
incorrect mode Our S Series only supports one role, either master or slave (due to the memory limit). These two roles are different, mainly reflected in the broadcast and scanning. When the router is a slave, it cannot conduct scanning; when the router is the master, it cannot send advertise which is connectable. If you set the unsupported parameters to the chip, the system will return this error.
device not connect Same as "device not found" error.
operation not supported Reserved for future use.
need pair operation Some devices require an operation for pairing after a successful connection. If a GATT function call happens prior to the pairing, the system will return this error.
no resources The Bluetooth chip in Cassia routers can store the pair information up to 10 seconds. If you pair too many devices, the system will report this error.
Service Not Found Couldn't find a Characteristic inside a Service.
type not supported When Bypass scan was set up, the protocol type you specified is not supported by this firmware.
please set bypass params first Bypass mode is enabled, but no bypass parameters have been set.
failure An error for all other failures not specified yet.


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