CARTO Mobile SDK is an open, multi-platform framework for visualizing maps and providing location based services on mobile devices like smartphones or tablets. It includes high performance and flexible vector tile renderer, multiple built-in routing engines (for both indoor and street maps) plus built-in geocoding and reverse geocoding support.
- Supports all widespread mobile platforms, including Android, iOS and UWP.
- Supports multiple programming languages, including Objective C, Swift and C# on iOS, Java, Kotlin and C# on Android and C# on UWP.
- Supports common open GIS formats and protocols, including GeoJSON, Mapbox Vector Tiles, MBTiles, TMS.
- High-level vector tile styling language support via CartoCSS for visualizing maps
- Globe and planar map view modes, plus 2.5D tilted map view support
- Routing and geocoding service connectors for both internal and 3rd party services
- Embedded Valhalla routing engine for street level routing
- Embedded Simple GeoJSON routing engine for indoor routing
- Offline package support for maps, routing and geocoding
- Support for connecting to CARTO online services like Maps API and SQL API.
- iOS 9 or later on Apple iPhones and iPads, macOS 10.15 or later for Mac Catalyst apps
- Android 3.0 or later on all Android devices
- Windows 10 Mobile or Windows 10 for Windows-based devices
- We strongly suggest using the precompiled SDK versions that can be found in the Releases section.
- For custom builds, please read the building guide.
- Developer documentation:
- Android sample app: /~
- iOS sample app: /~
- .NET (Xamarin and UWP) sample app: /~
- Scripts for preparing offline packages: /~
- Post an issue to this project, submit a Pull Request
- Commercial support options:
- CARTO Mobile SDK is licensed under the BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- See our contributing doc for how you can improve CARTO, but you will need to sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) before making a submission, learn more here.