# Prepare virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run Analysis
python run_analysis_and_print_report.py datasets/**YOUR-CHOSEN-DATASET-IN-CSV-FROMAT**
# Build Image
docker build -t dataframe_serialization_formats_analysis .
# Run Container
docker run -it \
--volume=${PWD}:/dataframe_serialization_formats_analysis \
dataframe_serialization_formats_analysis \
python run_analysis_and_print_report.py datasets/**YOUR-CHOSEN-DATASET-IN-CSV-FROMAT**
Many great datasets examples can be found on Kaggle:
>>> docker run -it \
--volume=${PWD}:/dataframe_serialization_formats_analysis \
dataframe_serialization_formats_analysis \
python run_analysis_and_print_report.py datasets/environmental-remediation-sites.csv
DATASET NAME: environmental-remediation-sites.csv
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 70329 entries, 0 to 70328
Data columns (total 42 columns):
Program Number 70329 non-null object
Program Type 70329 non-null object
Program Facility Name 70329 non-null object
Site Class 70329 non-null object
Address1 70329 non-null object
Address2 21171 non-null object
Locality 70123 non-null object
County 70329 non-null object
ZIPCode 70329 non-null object
SWIS Code 70329 non-null int64
DEC Region 70329 non-null int64
Latitude 70329 non-null float64
Longitude 70329 non-null float64
Control Code 70329 non-null object
Control Type 70329 non-null object
OU 70329 non-null object
Project Name 57930 non-null object
Project Completion Date 70259 non-null object
Waste Name 42098 non-null object
Contaminants 40756 non-null object
Owner Name 67350 non-null object
Owner Address1 66690 non-null object
Owner Address2 40318 non-null object
Owner City 66833 non-null object
Owner State 67350 non-null object
Owner ZIP 67350 non-null object
Disposal Name 25132 non-null object
Disposal Address1 6446 non-null object
Disposal Address2 20161 non-null object
Disposal City 6492 non-null object
Disposal ZIP 25179 non-null object
Disposal State 25179 non-null object
Operator Name 48966 non-null object
Operator Address1 46671 non-null object
Operator Address2 42098 non-null object
Operator City 46836 non-null object
Operator State 49001 non-null object
Operator Zip 49001 non-null object
Location 1 70329 non-null object
NYS Municipal Boundaries 70329 non-null int64
New York Zip Codes 69936 non-null float64
Counties 70248 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(4), int64(3), object(35)
memory usage: 147.3 MB
========================= ========================== ========================= =================== ============= =============== ==========================
Serialization File Serialized DF Size (KBs) Serialization Speed (s) Size/Speed (KB/s) Format Type Applicability Extra Dependencies
========================= ========================== ========================= =================== ============= =============== ==========================
df.brotli.parquet 1,892 0.419 4,518 binary great fastparquet, brotli
df.gzip.parquet 1,911 0.695 2,751 binary great fastparquet
df.snappy.parquet 2,287 0.310 7,379 binary great fastparquet, python-snappy
df.gzip.pickle 2,434 7.364 330 binary ONLY Python
df.no-compression.parquet 2,579 0.483 5,341 binary great fastparquet
df.gzip.csv 5,156 3.126 1,649 text universal
df.gzip.json 10,150 7.587 1,338 text universal
df.no-compression.pickle 18,931 0.300 63,113 binary ONLY Python
df.no-compression.csv 30,907 4.128 7,487 text universal
df.no-compression.feather 38,187 0.411 92,800 binary limited pyarrow (100MB+! Ugh!)
df.no-compression.json 58,880 0.862 68,269 text universal
========================= ========================== ========================= =================== ============= =============== ==========================
========================= ========================== ========================= =================== ============= =============== ==========================
Serialization File Serialized DF Size (KBs) Serialization Speed (s) Size/Speed (KB/s) Format Type Applicability Extra Dependencies
========================= ========================== ========================= =================== ============= =============== ==========================
df.no-compression.pickle 18,931 0.300 63,113 binary ONLY Python
df.snappy.parquet 2,287 0.310 7,379 binary great fastparquet, python-snappy
df.no-compression.feather 38,187 0.411 92,800 binary limited pyarrow (100MB+! Ugh!)
df.brotli.parquet 1,892 0.419 4,518 binary great fastparquet, brotli
df.no-compression.parquet 2,579 0.483 5,341 binary great fastparquet
df.gzip.parquet 1,911 0.695 2,751 binary great fastparquet
df.no-compression.json 58,880 0.862 68,269 text universal
df.gzip.csv 5,156 3.126 1,649 text universal
df.no-compression.csv 30,907 4.128 7,487 text universal
df.gzip.pickle 2,434 7.364 330 binary ONLY Python
df.gzip.json 10,150 7.587 1,338 text universal
========================= ========================== ========================= =================== ============= =============== ==========================
========================= ========================== ========================= =================== ============= =============== ==========================
Serialization File Serialized DF Size (KBs) Serialization Speed (s) Size/Speed (KB/s) Format Type Applicability Extra Dependencies
========================= ========================== ========================= =================== ============= =============== ==========================
df.no-compression.feather 38,187 0.411 92,800 binary limited pyarrow (100MB+! Ugh!)
df.no-compression.json 58,880 0.862 68,269 text universal
df.no-compression.pickle 18,931 0.300 63,113 binary ONLY Python
df.no-compression.csv 30,907 4.128 7,487 text universal
df.snappy.parquet 2,287 0.310 7,379 binary great fastparquet, python-snappy
df.no-compression.parquet 2,579 0.483 5,341 binary great fastparquet
df.brotli.parquet 1,892 0.419 4,518 binary great fastparquet, brotli
df.gzip.parquet 1,911 0.695 2,751 binary great fastparquet
df.gzip.csv 5,156 3.126 1,649 text universal
df.gzip.json 10,150 7.587 1,338 text universal
df.gzip.pickle 2,434 7.364 330 binary ONLY Python
========================= ========================== ========================= =================== ============= =============== ==========================