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Algorithms for scheduling with energy consumption limits


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Energy Limits Scheduling

This repository contains the source code for the scheduling problem with energy consumption limits. The benchmark instances and results are available here .


You need the following

  • .NET Core (>= 2.1)
  • Python (>= 3.5)
  • IBM CP Optimizer (>= 12.8)
  • Gurobi (>= 8.0)
  • docplex (>= 2.7.113)

The code is known to work on Fedora 28 and Debian Stretch operating systems. Also make sure that environment variable GUROBI_HOME exists and it points to the installation directory, .e.g., on GNU/Linux



The repository contains one C# solution with four projects

  • DatasetGenerators - generators of instance dataset from the given prescription.
  • Experiments - runs the specified solvers on a dataset.
  • Shared - library with common code shared among the rest of the projects, e.g., it contains the source codes of the solvers.
  • SolverCli - command line interface for solving one instance with a specified solver.

The following sections explains the projects in detail.


To compile and run the project from the command line do the following (passing no arguments will print the help message)

$ dotnet run -c Release -p Iirc.EnergyLimitsScheduling.DatasetGenerators -- DATASETS_PATH PRESCRIPTION_PATH


  • DATASETS_PATH is the path to directory with datasets.
  • PRESCRIPTION_PATH is the path to the prescription file that describes how the instances are to be generated. The prescription files are in JSON format, see class Prescription in Iirc.EnergyLimitsScheduling.DatasetGenerators/Prescription.cs for the description of the files content (Prescription class is used for deserializing the JSON files).

The command will create a new directory with a name of the prescription file in DATASETS_PATH and fills it with the generated instances.

The generated instance files are in JSON format, see class JsonInstance in Iirc.EnergyLimitsScheduling.Shared/Input/Writers/ExtendedEnergyLimits.cs for the description of the files content (JsonInstance class is used for deserializing the JSON files).


To compile and run the project from the command line do the following (passing no arguments will print the help message)

$ dotnet run -c Release -p Iirc.EnergyLimitsScheduling.Experiments -- DATASETS_PATH PRESCRIPTION_PATH RESULTS_PATH


  • DATASETS_PATH is the path to directory with datasets.
  • PRESCRIPTION_PATH is the path to the prescription file that describes the experimental setup, e.g., the solvers to test. The prescription files are in JSON format, see class Prescription in Iirc.EnergyLimitsScheduling.Experiments/Prescription.cs for the description of the files content (Prescription class is used for deserializing the JSON files).
  • RESULTS_PATH is the path to directory with results for each dataset.

The command will create a new directory with a name of the prescription file in RESULTS_PATH and fills it with the results. The location of each result has the following format



  • {prescriptionFilename} is the file name of the experimental setup prescription.
  • {datasetName} is the dataset name as specified in the prescription.
  • {solverId} is the solver id as specified in the prescription.
  • {instanceFilename} is the file name of the instance for which a result is generated.

The generated result files are in JSON format, see class Result in Iirc.EnergyLimitsScheduling.Experiments/Result.cs for the description of the files content (Result class is used for deserializing the JSON files).

The experiment is generating the results on the fly. By default, if the experiment is interrupted before it is completed, restarting the experiment will resume from the previous point, i.e., it will keep the previously generated results. If flag --from-scratch is passed, the previously generated results are deleted and the experiment starts from scratch.

By default, only one instance is being solved at a time. The number of instances to solve in parallel can be specified using option --num-threads.


To compile and run the project from the command line do the following (passing no arguments will print the help message)

$ dotnet run -c Release -p Iirc.EnergyLimitsScheduling.SolverCli -- CONFIG_PATH INSTANCE_PATH


  • CONFIG_PATH is the path to configuration file. The configuration files are in JSON format, see class Config in Iirc.EnergyLimitsScheduling.SolverCli/Config.cs for the description of the files content (Config class is used for deserializing the JSON files).
  • INSTANCE_PATH is the path to the instance file.

The command will run the given instance on the specified solver within the configuration and prints the status to standard output.


MIT license


Please see file AUTHORS.txt for the list of authors.




Algorithms for scheduling with energy consumption limits







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