This release supercedes version 61F_220622_v1, returning the colour scheme to the black/grey/red of the original CF6.1 UI.
The release notes below are copied from 61F_220622_v1, where they remain valid, & updated to capture the small differences.
This video playlist provides a high-level tour of the refactored v1 UI: Except for the colour scheme, those videos remain valid.
Flashing the DWIN_SET in this release installs a TouchScreen firmware that works with the CF6.1-Final motherboard firmware and runs on any version of DGUS2 (Kerning problems may appear in some early versions.)
If you already have the CR6Community Firmware running on DGUS2 v3.5 on your printer, then you do not need to flash this firmware.
If you have DGUS2 v 4.4 or less flashed to your display, but not v3.5, then you MUST flash the kernel upgrade files to your display to install v3.5, if you wish to use the original CF6.1 Touchscreen firmware OR you can install this refactored DWIN_SET to your display.
If you have DGUS2 v4.5 or higher flashed to your display, you must flash this DWIN_SET instead of the one bundled with the motherboard firmware.
If you do flash this refactored firmware, you will benefit from the new features, but CR6-MAX users will lose one cosmetic feature:
- The last captured thermistor temperature values have been added to the three thermal error screens, in an attempt to help isolate which of the two (nozzle or bed) thermistors has triggered the shutdown. (NOTE: Some errors result in a display of 0 degrees on both, which unfortunately limits the usefulness of this feature.)
- The Leveling Settings screen is now also accessible from the Setup menu.
- The colour scheme has been modified from the original black/grey/red scheme, to add one thin red line under the grey screen header on each screen. (Solves issue #94, while still meeting the objective of visually distinguishing the refactored version from the original, to support troubleshooting.)
- Units have been added to the nozzle and bed temperature fields in a couple of screens.
- Updated the sample screenshots and clarified/updated the readme files.
- Modified the HZK font file (and rescaled a few fields to compensate for the font change), to stop DWIN_SET from clipping the descenders. (Solves Issue #31)
The ABL Mesh screen in this refactored firmware no longer includes the animated background icons, which used to turn each square from white to black, as the nozzle probed each point. (The method used to create that animation was not supported by the new tool.) CR6-MAX users will also notice that the small squares which represented the intermediate probing points are no longer displayed, as those were implemented with that same deprecated feature.
UPDATE - 16 March 2023 - Feedback on Release 1.1 documentation highlighted some errors and points of confusion, which have been rectified in Re-Factored DWIN_SET I have chosen not to issue a new release for this, to avoid confusing folks any further about which files to use, as we communicate that version 1.1 is the 'latest". There are NO changes to the actual firmware at 1.1.1, it is purely a documentation fix... - Thinkersbluff.
UPDATE - 19 March 2023 - Ironically, when I generated refactored version 1.1, the DGUSTool I used did NOT create a version that would run on DGUS2 v4.5... My sincere apologies to those who got a blank screen.
My bad for not testing more rigorously. I have now reconfigured my test screen to run on DGUS2 v4.5, and have reworked my development environment to go back to the correct DGUSTool.