SMOKE v4.8.1 Public Release (January 29, 2021)
98 commits
to master
since this release
SMOKE Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 
SMOKE-MOVES Integration Tool Development
1. New MOVES RatePerStart (RPS) Mode
- New feature in Movesmrg for users to model Off-Network Start Exhaust and Crankcase Start Exhaust processes that are currently modeled under RatePerVehicle (RPV) mode.
- Unit of RPS emission rate is mass per vehicle-engine start (grams/vehicle-start).
- New "STARTS" activity inventory is required to compute RPS emissions with RPS emission rates.
- RPS_MODE[default: N] : Estimates off-network RPS emissions from engine starts.
2. New Off-Network Idling (ONI) Mode
- New feature in Movesmrg for users to model idling emissions from parking lot, distribution centers and other off-network spaces.
- Previously modeled under RatePerDistance (RPD) mode with roadtypes=1 (off-network) and speedbin=0 (speed=zero).\
- Unit of ONI emission rate is mass per vehicle-idling hour (grams/hour).
- New "IDLING" activity inventory is required to compute ONI emissions with ONI emission rates.
- ONI_MODE [default: N] : Estimates off-network idling emissions from parking, and distribution centers.
New Source Apportionment Regroup Tool
- New Source Apportionment Regroup Tool will allow users to assign existing Source Apportionment (SA)-ready gridded hourly emissions and stack groups files from SMOKE to new SA group IDs.
- Requires the sector-specific SA-ready gridded hourly emissions and stack group files and new regroup mapping input file called REGROUP_GROUPS.
- Check out the Coordinating Research Council (CRC) A-119 Full Technical Report for the details.
- Download the complete use case package data file for the SA regroup tool from the CRC Data Share Site.
BEIS v3.7 Enhancements
- New BEIS Emission Factors (BEISFAC) and BELD5 landuse input files are required.
- Latest BEISFAC and North America region BELD5 (1km x 1km) input files for BEIS v3.7 can be found from the CMAS Data Warehouse.
- Custom BELD5 input file over your modeling domain can be developed using new updated Aggwndw utility program in SMOKE that can optionally aggregate non-mass values with the setting of AGGREGATE_EMIS_YN = N.
Laypoint Updates
- Update to treat new WRF hybrid-vertical coordinate type (-999) as existing sigma (7) coordinate.
- Update to enforce fire bottom plume height starting from surface layer.
- New FIRE_BOTTOM_LAYER_1_YN [Default: Y]: Define the bottom of fire plume as model layer 1.
Smkinven Updates
- Prevent from dropping CEMS hourly NOX and SO2 emissions when all CEMS parameters (e.g., heat input, steam load and gross load) are missing.
- Update to proper handle multiple ORIS and Boiler IDs CEMS sources under the same point source Unit ID.
- PROCESS_MULT_ORIS_UNITS_YN [default: N]: Allows Smkinven to append "__##" to Unit ID to treat them as separate point sources.
Smkmerge and Movesmrg Updates
- SMK_SUB_SECTOR_OUTPUT_YN [default:N]: Generate sub-sector source group emissions output files based on the list of source group ID defined in (SOURCE_GROUPS).
Spcmat and Smkreport Updates
- USE_REF_COUNTY_MAP_YN [default:N]: New feature to assign speciation profiles by reference county based on the inventory-reference county cross-reference input file (MCXREF).
- Generate correct Smkreport reports for the inventory sources with multiple speciation profiles assigned by GSPRO_COMBO and/or multiple GSREF cross-referencing approaches.
- New speciation profile description (GSPRODESC) input file support in Smkreport. Users can optionally output the speciation profile descriptions to Smkreport "BY SPCCODE" report.
- Added new command "AERMOD ANNUAL" in Smkreport to generate emission helper files for AERMOD model for sectors other than onroad.
- Overall updates across all sectors (e.g., point, area, commercial marine vessel port & underway, and gridded sectors).
Bug fixes
- Various bug fixes since the public SMOKE version 476 release in September 2019