Repository that containing packaging scripts for the new 2018 carta-backend.
(Assuming installation of all packages and libraries described on /~ is already done)
Export your Qt path e.g.
export PATH=/Qt5.3.2/5.3/gcc_64/bin:$PATH
. -
Download the latest CARTA source code
git clone /~
. -
Prepare a build directory e.g.
mkdir build && cd build
. -
Run the Qt qmake e.g.
qmake NOSERVER=1 CARTA_BUILD_TYPE=dev ../carta -r
. -
Build the code e.g.
make -j 4
. -
Download the appropriate packaging script from here e.g
curl -O
. -
Modify paths in the script for your system and run the script
chmod 755 && ./
. -
Final package should be in
, ready copying into the Electron app.
These scripts automatically download the measures_data
containing the ephemerides and geodetic files:
curl -O -L