Responsive admin dashboard template built with Vue.js and Bootstrap 4. Developed by Epicmax. Designed by Vasili Savitski
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- Node.js (at least 4.x, 8.x recommended)
- npm version 3+ and Git.
- vuestic-installer
npm install vuestic-installer -g
- Latest Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, IE11+
vue-cli3 has to be installed globally. If it's not, do:
$ npm install -g @vue/cli
# OR
$ yarn global add @vue/cli
You can create vuestic project via installer:
# create new project via vuestic-installer command.
$ vuestic myproject
or just by cloning repo:
# clone the repo
$ git clone /~ myproject
# go into app's directory and install dependencies:
$ cd myproject
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080.
$ npm run serve
# build for production with minification
$ npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report.
$ npm run build --report
Got stuck? Check out our documentation 🤓
- Vue.js
- Bootstrap 4
- Webpack
- Responsive layout
- Charts (Chart.js)
- Maps (Google, Leaflet, amMap)
- Progress bars
- Material forms with beautiful validation
- 4 Form wizard types
- Static tables and datatables
- Login/signup pages templates
- Medium editor
- Toasts, tooltips, popovers,
- i18n
- and many more!
Thanks for all your wonderful PRs, issues and ideas!
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MIT license.