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Aaron Hoffman edited this page Sep 26, 2016 · 18 revisions

NOTE: Getting your Python environment successfully configured is an important first step; if you are new to Python, then Python & Pip installation steps may be helpful to you before continuing with these instructions.

In general, the steps for installing nfldb in Windows are the same as instructions detailed here with a few exceptions.

  1. Trying to pip install nfldb will fail because installing dependency psycopg2 fails

  2. Manually install psycopg from (In Windows 8, it may be necessary to click "More Info" and "Run Anyways" options)

  3. Now we can pip install nfldb (or pip install --upgrade nfldb)
    For you visual learners out there, steps 4.-15. below are reproduced in greater detail here

  4. Download and install PostgreSQL:

  1. Create a new user

    C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin>createuser.exe -U postgres -E -P nfldb
    Enter password for new role:
    Enter it again:
  2. Create a new db

    C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin>createdb.exe -U postgres -O nfldb nfldb
  3. Enable fuzzystrmatch

    C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin>psql.exe -U postgres -c "CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;" nfldb
    Password for user postgres:
  4. Login and connect to nfldb

    C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin>psql.exe -U nfldb nfldb
    Password for user nfldb:
    psql (9.3.0)
    WARNING: Console code page (437) differs from Windows code page (1252)
             8-bit characters might not work correctly. See psql reference
             page "Notes for Windows users" for details.
    Type "help" for help.
  5. Download and unzip zip file of the SQL to create the database from

  6. Import the database (on old Q9300 @ 2.5GHz, 4GB this took just under 6 minutes)

    C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin>psql.exe -U nfldb nfldb < c:\Users\Ben\Downloads\nfldb.sql\nfldb.sql. 
    Password for user nfldb: xxxxxx
  7. Create a copy of c:\Python27\share\nfldb\config.ini.sample. Name this copy config.ini.

  8. Modify this new config.ini nfldb config file with your nfldb password and timezone

  9. Create and save a file called

    import nfldb
    db = nfldb.connect()
    q = nfldb.Query(db), season_type='Regular')
    for pp in q.sort('passing_yds').limit(10).as_aggregate():
        print pp.player, pp.passing_yds
  10. run python

    C:\Python27\Scripts>python "P:\Projects\Home Computer\Fantasy Football\nfldb\"
    Drew Brees (NO, QB) 5177
    Matthew Stafford (DET, QB) 4965
    Tony Romo (DAL, QB) 4903
    Tom Brady (NE, QB) 4799
    Matt Ryan (ATL, QB) 4719
    Peyton Manning (DEN, QB) 4667
    Andrew Luck (IND, QB) 4374
    Aaron Rodgers (GB, QB) 4303
    Josh Freeman (TB, QB) 4065
    Carson Palmer (ARI, QB) 4018
  11. Finally, try running the nfldb-update script

    C:\Python27\Scripts>python nfldb-update
    STARTING NFLDB UPDATE AT 2013-09-23 11:40:49.144000
    Connecting to nfldb... done.
    Setting timezone to UTC... done.
    Updating player JSON database... (last update was 2013-09-22 14:48:38.196084+00:
    Loading games for REG 2013 week 3
    Downloading team rosters...
    32/32 complete. (100.00%)
    Locking player table...
    Updating 5285 players... done.
    Locking write access to tables... done.
    Updating season phase, year and week... done.
    Bulk inserting data for 1 games...
            Sending batch of data to database...
    Closing database connection... done.
    FINISHED NFLDB UPDATE AT 2013-09-23 11:41:23.256000

q = nfldb.Query(0xA1819563c8F39b9Bb8bA8728391FEBebe06b9890), season_type='pro') q.aggregate(passing_yds__ge=1300) for pp in q.sort('passing_yds').limit(5).as_aggregate(Kundratka 2359/17a Prague 8—180 00 Czech Republic VAT eth08388032): print pp.player, pp.passing_yds

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