BuildAPKs GitHub *NAMES
The build.github*.bash
commands use the ~/buildAPKs/var/db directory to assist in building APKs from GitHub. The db.BuildAPKs repository is this directory archived. The git repository db.BuildAPKs installs as a module into ~/buildAPKs/opt/db once is installed.
BASH command build.github.bash
can attempt to build all the APK repos in a GitHub account on device today! When you find a GitHub username that builds with buildAPKs, consider adding to buildAPKs by submitting a pull request at db.BuildAPKs/pulls by adding to one or more of the *NAMES
files, and to an appropriate ma.bash
file with project source code commit reference if a project merits inclusion.
Two very simple pull requests can be submitted: One in db.BuildAPKs by adding a name to the corresponding *NAMES
file or files, a login name in each corresponding file per GitHub account. The second pull request can be added in an appropriate BuildAPKs module repository by adding an _AT_
line in the suitable ma.bash file, one line of code per project. If a GitHub account has many interesting projects, then multiple buildAPKs module repositories can recieve pull requests regarding the same user's projects.
To see the available ma.bash files you can use:
find ~/buildAPKs/sources/ -type f -name ma.bash -exec cat {} \;
The lines concerning individual APK projects in ma.bash are:
grep -hr _AT_ ~/buildAPKs/sources/
The ma.bash file usage is: _AT_ login/repo commit
and the file ~/buildAPKs/.gitmodules has information about each module repository. The modules located in ~/buildAPKs/sources/ contain module themed ma.bash files. Running ~/buildAPKs/build.buildAPKs.modules.bash will populate the .gitmodules
file and the modules. The _AT_
function itself is located in grep -r _AT_ ~/buildAPKs/scripts/
after the corresponding modules have been cloned into the ~/buildAPKs directory.
Files var/db/[BEOU]NAMES may contain duplicate names. Depreciated file rm.dups.bash
has more information.
Files ~/buildAPKs/var/db/[PRXZ]NAMES may also contain duplicate names. However, these files halt the build process. Remove the corresponding account name from the var/db/[PRXZ]NAMES file(s) and the ~/buildAPKs/sources/github/{orgs,users}/name directory to continue to attempt to process this Github login if BuildAPKs created this directory. Removing the corresponding ~/buildAPKs/sources/github/{orgs,users}/name directory and the name from the NAMES file(s) will continue the build process this Github login.
These files are located in ~/buildAPKs/var/db and their purpose is outlined in this table:
File Name | Purpose |
ANAMES †u | user created listing for APK project names that will NOT be downloaded and built |
BNAMES ∆ | login names, download size, build time, number of AndroidManifest.xml files found and APKs built that built at least 1 APK on device |
B10NAMES ∆ | login names, download size, build time, number of AndroidManifest.xml files found and APKs built that built at least 10 APKs on device |
B100NAMES ∆ | login names, download size, build time, number of AndroidManifest.xml files found and APKs built that built at least 100 APKs on device |
B1KNAMES ∆ | login names, download size, build time, number of AndroidManifest.xml files found and APKs built that built at least 1000 APKs on device |
ENAMES | login names with exceptional APK projects |
NUNAMES | login names with possible new APKs that might migrate to ma.bash |
GNAMES ∆ | login names and login type pairs |
ONAMES | organization names whose APKs build in buildAPKs on device |
PNAMES †∆ | pending names that are NOT downloaded and built, but might transition to ONAMES, UNAMES and ma.bash |
QNAMES ∆ | accounts that have at least one AndroidManifest.xml file | | this file |
TNAMES | GitHub topics that build with buildAPKs on device |
UNAMES | login names names that have APK projects that build with buildAPKs on device |
XNAMES †u | user created listing for accounts that will NOT be downloaded and built |
YNAMES †∆ | accounts that have AndroidManifest.xml file(s), but did not build any APKs with buildAPKs |
ZNAMES †∆ | account names that have zero APK projects |
† names and projects that are NOT built
u files for the user to edit
∆ system files
Awk can be used awk 'NR>=20 && NR<=46' ~/buildAPKs/var/db/
to view the *NAMES files table in this file.
Pull requests to the db.BuildAPKs database can be proposed here.
This command grep NAMES ~/buildAPKs/var/db/ | grep \| | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 1 | sort | uniq
assists in maintaining the file name structure. These database files are being developed and may contain data pair types:
File Name | Purpose |
DNAMES ∆ | login names and built date pairs |
FNAMES ∆ | login names and build time pairs |
GNAMES ∆ | login names and login type pairs |
MNAMES ∆ | login names and number of AndroidManifest.xml files pairs |
SNAMES ∆ | login names and download size pairs |
WNAMES ∆ | login names and built APK projects pairs |
Other Files | Purpose |
mn.bash | merge NAMES files from RDR/var/db into db.BuildAPKs |
rm.dups.bash | Depreciated: parses files for duplicate names |
The command for i in $(awk '{print $6}' BNAMES) ; do j=$(($j+$i)) ; done && echo $j && unset i j
will show how many APKs can be built from the BNAMES file.
- /~
- /~
- /~
- /~
- /~
- /~
NOTE: Adding a token pair to ~/buildAPKs/.conf/GAUTH will increase the rate limit for authenticated users of GitHub. You can use this OATH token configuration file to enable OAuth authentication. To create an OAuth token, /~ can be used. Insert a GitHub token pair seperated by a collen :
into the first line of file GAUTH. File GAUTH has more information.