This is my config for neovim.
This is a .vimrc that requires plugins and external dependencies.
This VIM config uses vim-plug as the plugin manager.
It looks like this...
This shows some plugins (syntastic,colorizer,nerdtree) with one theme.
This shows some plugins (syntastic,colorizer,nerdtree) using a different theme.
Just some general code/formatting appearance.
Plugins Currently In Use:
- nerd-git-plugin
- vim-gitgutter
- agit.vim
- ctrlp
- wal
- vim-plug
- colorizer
- vim-highlightedyank
- tagbar
- undotree
- golden-ratio
- nerdcommenter
- nerdtree
- vim-polyglot
- vim-fugitive
- vim-repeat
- vim-sleuth
- vim-speeddating
- vim-surround
- air-line-themes
- air-line
- LanguageTool
- coc
git clone /~
ln -s /location/to/Nvim-config/vimrc ~/.vimrc
When you open up (n)vim, vim-plug will install. It might error out a bit..but just keep hitting enter. When its done call :PlugInstall