An IDE for URCL. See full feature list below
Keep in mind that currently there is no saving functionality build into the website, thus make sure to save your code to a file before you close your browser tab.
You only need your browser to use urcl-explorer just go to github pages and start writing and running URCL code.
To use the URCL website offline you will need to clone the repository to your computer, run a static http server and then connect to that server using your browser.
First clone the repo to your computer this can be done in the terminal like this:
git clone /~
Then navigate to the folder you just cloned to which is by default urcl-explorer.
cd urcl-explorer
Install a static http server, an example of one is http-server which you can install using npm. But you can use any other http server as long as it gives proper mime-types to javascript files.
npm install -g http-server
And run it.
http-server -p 8000
Finally, open your browser and visit http://localhost:8000.
Download dependencies
npm install
Build the emulator
npm run bundle-node
And finally run the emulator
node js/urcx-emu.js [<...options>] <sourcefile>
node js/urcx-emu.js examples/urcl/text-io.urcl
Add the bin folder to your Path environment variable and run the emulator with the urcx-emu command:
urcx-emu [<...options>] <sourcefile>
This feature list is not complete yet. 🚧🚧🚧
This device is operated via the %X, %Y, %COLOR, and %BUFFER ports You can save the display as an image by holding ctrl and right-clicking the display to bring up the browser conext menu.
The color mode defines how the colors being outputted via the %COLOR port should be displayed.
Mode | Description |
PICO8 | The color pallet the fantasy console PICO-8 uses |
MONO | The lowest 8 bits represent a brightness value 0 is black 255 is white |
BIN | 0 is black any thing else is white |
RGB8 | 3 red, 3 green, 2 blue the highest 3 bits represent a red value the next 3 green and the lowest 2 blue |
RGB16 | 5 red, 6 green, 5 blue |
RGB24 | 8 red, 8 green, 8 blue |
RGB | Automatically picks RGB8, RGB16 or RGB24 depending on the BITS header |
RGBI | 1 red, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 intensity, intensity 0 colors are at half brightness with 1 full. |