I had to create a project of a mobile & web app of a student social network to exchange books, information, etc. made with: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node.js, Express.js, Passport, Nodemailer. I had to do it in a week, this was a job that was done in pairs and I had to present it in ironhack with my partner.
The website is called ** bookCamp **, in which students from different schools can register to offer information, books, files related to education. Each student has their profile with the information from the study center and can write comments. in the other students' publications.
It was an intense week, divided by tasks to be done by days, each day we made a different part of the application, we started on the CRUD routes and the truth is that you learn a lot doing this type of practice that allows you to demonstrate what you have learned and Many new things are learned that are generated at the code level and work in pairs as work is distributed and decisions are made.