This project was made as one of the homeworks for my Client Apps class in my 4th semester at BME.
Achived with CryE- Angular
The project uses the angular framework to create a single page application.
For formatting the pages the app uses the angular modul version of Bootstrap.
To hold the Entities that are displayed by default in the app, it uses a custom service to create a database and another one to simulate an API call to access the data.
You can try out this web app here.!
The app consists of three main pages. Two of these can be accessed from the navbar. The other opens from the menu.
The first is the menu. Here are all the planes stored in the In-Memory DB. You can choose two types of layout, grid or list. If you click on one of the planes the app will take you to the selected planes page.
This page is the third main page and the one that you can not access from the navbar. You can only view this page if you select a plane in the menu or by a directly link. Here you can see all of the details and extra pictures of a plane. Also if you want to delete a plane this is the place to do it. Before deleteing a confirmation window will pop up.
This is the other page that can be opened from the navbar. Here you can create new planes. To create a new plane you must set all of the specs of the new plane, although a picture is not required. After filling out all the fields the create "Create Plane" button will be enabled and with the that creation process is finished.