This is a cryptocurrency dashboard built using HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 5, Sass, and vanilla JavaScript. The website uses the CoinGecko API to get cryptocurrency data such as live prices, trading volume, exchange volumes, historical data, crypto categories, images, and more.
Install the following prerequisites:
- Node.js
- Visual Studio Code with two extensions installed: Live Server and Live Sass Compiler.
- Live Server allows us to launch a local development server that enables a live reload of our project.
- Live Sass Compiler allows us to compile Sass files to CSS files in real-time. It will watch a Sass file for changes, and then it will automatically compile that Sass file into a CSS file whenever a change is made and saved.
From the root directory, run:
npm install
To run the application, start the Live Server by clicking Go Live in the bottom right corner of the status bar in Visual Studio Code. This action will load the website in your default web browser.
Once the Live Server is up and running, go to to view the application.
Copyright © 2023 Bob's Programming Academy. Code released under the MIT license.