A Fiddler extension for decoding Google Protobuf Data in requests and responses.
Copy two released files into Fiddler installation folder.
Once the extension is loaded by Fiddler, it will output a log as follows:
- If Content-Type in request/response headers is "application/x-protobuf" or "application/x-google-protobuf", the extension will regard the contents as "Protobuf" data.
- The token value of "messageType" in "Content-Type" will be regarded as message type name.
- The token value of "desc" or "Desc" in "Content-Type" will be regarded as url of descriptorset of the protos.
- If message type or descriptorset url doesn't exist, the message type name and local proto folder can be provides in Protobuf Inspector View manually and then try to parse the data.
- Finally, this extension try to decode as raw message just like "protoc --decode-raw" and show it in json-tree view.