A portfolio showcasing some of my skills and previous projects with my contact information
Link to project: https://www.beshir.tech/
Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SASS
- Used SASS, a CSS pre-compiler to utilize better nesting for css properties and ease in usage of variables which allows ease in changing the color/theme of the website in the future
- Used JaveScript to listen to when the elements are on screen to toggle their CSS animations
- Add complete information on my projects
- Add unique animations on the section links such as projects and contact sections
- Deploy websites on netlify and use SSL certificates
- Implement animations on scroll
- SASS familiarity
- Used SASS, a CSS pre-compiler to utilize better nesting for css properties and ease in usage of variables which allows ease in changing the color/theme of the website in the future
- Used JavaScript to listen to when the elements are on screen to toggle their CSS animations
- Add gifs to display projects
- Add unique animations on the section links such as projects and contact sections
- Deploy websites on netlify and use SSL certificates
- Implement animations on scroll
- SASS familiarity
Take a look at these couple examples that I have in my own portfolio:
Drawing Board: /~https://github.com/bishosba/project-drawing-board/
Tic Tac Toe: /~https://github.com/bishosba/project-tic-tac-toe/