All smart contracts will be deployed on Sepolia testnet for testing purposes.
Users can get the SepoliaETH via Sepolia Faucet(
The MUSDT and MUSDC contract have been deployed on Sepolia for testing. Users will be able to mint tokens by calling the mint()
function with the respective EOA (Externally Owned Account) or contract address and amount.
Expected message should be similar to 0x9a2618a0503cf675a85e4519fc97890fba5b851d15e02b8bc8f351d22b46580059c03992465695e89fc29e528797972d05de0b34768d5d3d7f772f2422eb9af01b == relayerAddress._signTypedData(domainData, eip712Types, eip712Data)
. This data is signed by the relayer address. Data that hasn't been signed by the relayer address will revert with the error FAKE_SIGNATURE
We are implementing a TimeLock contract that will work as an Admin address for ADMIN ONLY tx. There will be 3 days delay on every operational tx except when calling Withdraw()
function, TimeLock contract is not able to call this function.
Gnosis safe will be implemented with both proposers and executors roles. Only the Timelock smart contract has the role (TIMELOCK_ADMIN_ROLE) to grant roles for now. If we want to grant new roles to new addresses, have to go through a round of scheduling and executing the grantRole functions through the Timelock contract. When revoking privileges, either the revokeRole() or renounceRole() functions must be used.
To execute only Admin transactions, the developer will need to follow these steps:
- First, create a transaction using Safe guide.
- After providing the contract address and ABI, the developer can select the contract method (in this case, we will try to change the transaction fee).
- Select "Schedule". According to the Schedule() function, the following arguments need to be provided: address target, uint256 value, bytes calldata data, bytes32 predecessor, bytes32 salt, and uint256 delay.
- The target address is the Proxy Bridge. The value will usually be 0. The data is the encoded data of the function and arguments (BridgeV1Interface.encodeFunctionData('changeTxFee', [100])). Predecessor should almost always be 0x0 unless we have a prerequisite transaction, salt will be in incremented order (e.g., 0x0...1, 0x0...2, 0x0...3, and so on) and delay (in seconds) should be >=
which will be set to 3 days.
Salt can be 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
for 1st transaction,
for 2nd transaction and so on.
The reason behind choosing different salt is to avoid having the same operation identifier again.
After scheduling the transaction using a timelock, the developer must call the execute() function with the provided arguments(same as above). If the execute() function is called before the specified delay
time has passed, the transaction will revert with the error message "TimelockController: operation is not ready". This is because the timelock is designed to ensure that the specified delay time has elapsed before the transaction can be executed. Once the delay time has passed, the transaction can be executed normally.
There are only two roles: DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE and WITHDRAW_ROLE.
The TimeLock contract is assigned the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, while another Gnosis Safe is assigned the WITHDRAW_ROLE. The DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE has the ability to grant both roles to other addresses, but these changes will happen instantly once executed.
Finally, both addresses can renounce their own roles by calling the renounceRole() function.
Once approving the bridge contract, user will call the bridgeToDeFiChain()
function with following arguments: _defiAddress
- address on Defi Chain that receiving funds, _tokenAddress
- ERC20 token's address and _amount
amount to bridge over to Defi chain.
Only address with the Admin role can call the addSupportedTokens()
function. This sets the _tokenCap
for an ERC20 token and ETH identified by its _tokenAddress
. All added tokens will be instantly supported by the bridge.
In case of ETH, address(0) will be used as an address.
represents the maximum balance of tokens the contract can hold per _tokenAddress
Only address with the Admin role can call the removeSupportedTokens()
function. This also sets the _tokenCap
to 0
function when called will withdraw an ERC20 token and ETH (address == 0x0). Only the address with the WITHDRAW role can call this function.
flushMultipleTokenFunds(uint256 _fromIndex, uint256 _toIndex)
function to flush the excess funds (token.balanceOf(Bridge) - tokenCap)
across supported tokens to a hardcoded address (flushReceiveAddress
) anyone can call this function. For example, calling flushMultipleTokenFunds(0,3), only the tokens at index 0, 1 and 2 will be flushed. This applies to all tokens and ETH.
flushFundPerToken(address _tokenAddress)
is doing same as above function, however doing on token basis instead of from and to indexes.
Admin address can change flushReceiveAddress
function will reset the flushReceiveAddress
to new address.
Admin address can change relayerAddress
The relayer address will primarily be used for verifying the signature that is signed by the server. The server will need to sign with the corresponding private key of the relayer address.
Only address with Admin role can change transactionFee
Initial fee will be set to 0%. This means that if the user bridges X
tokens, 100% of X will be bridged to defiChain. If in the future, fee > 0, respected amount will be sent to communityWallet
Only address with admin role can change communityWallet
. This is where the tx fees upon bridging will go.
Only address with admin role can change tokenCap
and revokeRole
will be used to grant a role to new addresses and revoke the existing addresses role respectively. Only Admin address can make these changes.
To deploy ERC20 tokens user will have to run a command npx hardhat run --network sepolia ./scripts/deployERC20.ts
in smartContract directory.
To verify the said tokens and other contracts, there would be a prompt on terminal after running the deployment command that devs will need to run after.
Devs need to deploy the BridgeV1
implementation contract before the BridgeProxy
should only need to be deployed once to a blockchain. Subsequent deployments should only be deploying the implementation contract (BridgeV2
, BridgeV3
, etc), before calling _upgradeTo
of the BridgeProxy
This follows the proxy pattern, with the behaviour being inherited from OpenZeppelin
proxy contracts.
can be deployed with the command npx hardhat run --network sepolia ./scripts/deployBridgeImplementation.ts
can be deployed with npx hardhat run --network sepolia ./scripts/deployBridgeProxy.ts
Before running the above command, following vars
need to be addressed:
aka BridgeV1
contract address.
Time lock Contract address: 0xbfe4a2126313bcdc44daf3551b9f22ddda02c937
BridgeV1 Contract address: 0x7bdbd5675bad2653cba9bc0e09564dd8d7b53957
BridgeProxy Contract address: 0x54346d39976629b65ba54eac1c9ef0af3be1921b
BridgeQueue Contract address: 0x180520fffecb138a042b473aa131673deff40cdb
BridgeQueueProxy Contract address: 0xba188cdec7b48e6f1079256208b96f067e385ff1
Mock USDT : 0x5e19180828c6942b42e3cE860C564610e064fEee
Mock USDC : 0x754028ed11D02f8f255410d32704839C33142b44
Mock EUROC : 0xc8042c992c9627dF9e84ddf57Bc6adc1AB9C3acd
Mock DFI : 0x1f84B07483AC2D5f212a7bF14184310baE087448
Mock WBTC : 0x8B3d701B187D8Eb8c0b9368AebbAAFC62D3fa0e1
Mock MaticToken: 0x0B36470228F0B8C8E0313ba0C4356520F50cE85b
Timelock Controller: 0x7A5A990EBaC71e56538C9311A6E080fe6e6Cdf0A
Bridge Queue Proxy: 0x29D6d5f8ad010b548D0dC68d8b50c043c4bED1Cc
Bridge Queue: 0x964B2feE939aa623869c7380f4e83789f98b2e88
Bridge V1 Proxy: 0x62cAa18a745b3d61E81f64e5B47c1A21dE8155bA
Bridge V1: 0xD321B5EfB5E8E3aE630d13DB2A00eB50eEBEFd4E
Anyone can send funds to the bridge contract. Ideally, this should be done by liquidity providers. If there are tokens sent by other addresses to the contract, those tokens will be unaccounted for.
Admins can send ERC20 tokens via the transfer(address _to, uint256 _amount)
function or utilizing wallets such as Metamask.
After making changes to the database schema in schema.prisma, run cd apps/server
in terminal (/bridge).
Run ./with-db generate
to generate the Prisma Client.
Run ./with-db migrate dev
to migrate and apply database migrations in the development environment.