The goal of mapselector is to facilitate the process of giving all the dashboards the same appearance!
if you have a data processing step that you think is useful to everyone, please add it to mapselector
so that everyone can use it without rewriting it!
If you have a UI approach that you think works really well, consider creating a module and also adding that to mapselector
! Everyone (should) have write access to this repo. Feel free to create a branch and/or message Andrew.
Install mapselector
directly from github:
The workflow actually relies on TWO github based resources: this one, mapselector
and another which serves to set up a project, called tableauproto
. Below are the steps for the whole process.
tl;dr: We have two github resources for managing the dashboards.
tableauproto is a github repo. It is a rudimentary golem app that needs customization. Its main goal is to share Guillaume's custom JS and CSS. Begin your project by adding it as a remote called
. Keep it up to date withgit pull proto
mapselector is an R package hosted on github. Its job is to connect, via functions, the custom CSS and the Shiny code. Install it with
and keep it up to date that way. We'll try to keep the version numbers changing when there is a change you need; but if something doesn't make sense then message Andrew or Guillaume.
or Rstudio > File > New Project... and choose the golem template.
NOTE golem apps are also R packages, so it's important to use a valid R package name for the project. This means no dashs -
or underlines _
. so montableau
and NOT mon_tableau
. (Here I'm assuming that your tableau is called "montableau".)
git init
Create a github repo called montableau
add your new github repo as the origin
git remote add origin /~
Rather than give a complete intro to the golem framework, here is a link to the docs Here is a guideline to what I think are key points for our workflow:
Golem tries to facilitate your workflow with some "development scripts". these are stored in the dev
In the file dev/01_start.R
, edit the following:
pkg_name = "mapselector", # The Name of the package containing the App
pkg_title = "Map selector module for Shiny", # The Title of the package containing the App
pkg_description = "Its a simple module to make a map for Shiny, plus a few helper functions to help you use a map as a selector in your Shiny App.", # The Description of the package containing the App
author_first_name = "Andrew", # Your First Name
author_last_name = "MacDonald", # Your Last Name
author_email = "", # Your Email
repo_url = "/~" # The URL of the GitHub Repo (optional)
This formats your package Description for you.
Edit and run this line:
## Set {golem} options ----
golem::set_golem_options(golem_version = "0.3.0")
I also set up MIT licence, code of conduct, and a badge for my project.
Edit and run this line to get the Official COLEO project favicon!
golem::use_favicon("") # path = "path/to/ico". Can be an online file.
Other things are optional. When you're done, commit and move on to dev/02_dev.R
There are four things I do here:
creating raw data files
creating vignettes
creating module and function files
adding packages to the description
Of all of these, only one is essential if you want to make an Approved Tableau De Bord:
usethis::use_dev_package(package = "mapselector", remote = "ReseauBiodiversiteQuebec/mapselector")
of course, remember to Install ⭐⭐⭐MAPSELECTOR ⭐⭐⭐yourself! instructions up there ☝️
mapselector is also a simple example of a dashboard. the app_ui.R
and app_server.R
files are therefore good examples that you can modify for yourself.
copy the
function frommapselector
. Here is a link to the most recent versionmapselector:::copy_mapselector_app_ui()
will copy the github version over your own
copy the
function frommapselector
. Here is a link to the most recent versionmapselector:::copy_mapselector_app_server()
will copy the github version over your own
here is the mapselector app_ui
app_ui <- function(request) {
marcel(filename = ""),
dash_title(title = "Bonjour Quebec"),
textInput("name", "What's your name?"),
mod_modal_helpbutton_ui("info1", "Jargon")
#maybe a little strange, but here we pass in the UI of a modal and the id that defines it.
tab_map(title = "Map", id = "map", outputFunction = mod_map_select_ui),
tab_map(title = "Site Map", id = "sitemap", outputFunction = mod_map_select_ui),
tab_map(title = "Ouranos", id = "ouranos_map", outputFunction = mod_map_select_ui),
edit marcel -- if using. Make sure that
is placed ininst/app/www
set the title -
If you're using a sidebar, provide any widgets to
define what text goes in your badge with
. you can also turn it off withbadge(use_badge = FALSE)
If you ever want a help icon ℹ️ next to a title, wrap that title in
. give this help button an id (the first argument. in the example it is"info1"
. Then on the server side, write:mod_modal_observeEvent_tutorial_server("info1", title_text = "title for help", md_file = "")
note that the id is the same. whatever text you want to appear goes in a markdown file, and is saved in
makes the tabs and gives them the right CSS class. you just need to provide the tabPanels you want. -
is an minimal wrapper around tabPanel. give it the tab title, the id of any module that does the plotting, and the name of the module ui function that makes the plot
The server function is bigger because it does all the R computation. here is a quick look at a few details:
# help modules ------------------------------------------------------------
title_text = "title for help",
md_file = "")
any help button text goes here
# server function to create the map and capture what is clicked
got_clicked <- mod_map_select_server("map",
what_to_click = "shape",
fun = make_leaflet_map,
# these are arguments to make_leaflet_map
mapdata = mapselector::CERQ,
label = TRUE,
region_name = "NOM_PROV_N")
This shows a handy pattern: a module server that does two useful things. First, it creates a map. Second, it saves the value of whatever is clicked to a reactive input. see ?mod_map_select_server()
You can trigger a modal to pop up when you click using
# this reactive value is passed inside the module
# note you but the reactive value here, not its value,
# which you would get with chosen_region()
region = got_clicked,
# give the title that you want for the modal
title_format_pattern = "Visualization for %s",
# here place all the tabs you want in your final modal!
## this can be a function which returns a reactive output
tabPanel(title = "Visualization",
# see mapselector::ipso_zoo for an example
ipso_zoo(color = I("red"))
this is a good example of doing FOUR interesting server-side operations: the workflow for downloading site observations and displaying them.
# download sites
downloaded_sites <- rcoleo::download_sites_sf()
# plot sites
got_clicked_site <- mod_map_select_server("sitemap",
what_to_click = "marker",
fun = plot_rcoleo_sites,
# argument to plot_rcoleo_sites
rcoleo_sites_sf = downloaded_sites)
# react to the site clicked with a calculation
site = downloaded_sites,
region = got_clicked_site)
# display a modal to respond to the clicked site
# this reactive value is passed inside the module
region = got_clicked_site,
# give the title that you want for the modal
title_format_pattern = "Visualization for %s",
tabPanel(title = "ou suis-je",
renderText({paste("tu est sur", got_clicked_site())})
tabPanel(title = "Observations",
Here we:
- download all the site information
- pass this to a module that plots them and returns the reactive value of the user clicking one
- react to this click with a calculation -- in this case, downloading the observations for that site
- output the results to a modal. Note that the modal server takes a list of tabPanels, and one of these contains
. this is the output that matches the information downloaded and formatted bymod_observation_display_server
In many of our previous shiny apps, the app.R
file holds a lot of data processing etc. In golem, all of this needs to be placed in functions, which are in turn called in app_server.R
, etc.
You can go back to 02_dev
to create either using golem::add_module
or golem::add_utils
especially the functiongolem::fill_desc
edit the main page: in
you are able to modify the main page of the app. This is where you define:-
The Title. Here you need to change two things:
, modify the argumenttitle
In the app, this will appear on the top of the screen.app_ui <- function(request) { tagList( golem_add_external_resources(), tableau_de_bord( dash_title(title = "Analyse de raréfaction"),
, modify the value ofapp_title
. In the app, this is the name of the browser tabtags$head( favicon(ext = 'png'), bundle_resources( path = app_sys('app/www'), app_title = 'mapselector' )