⚠ For the moment, only french is available. onk onk baguette
Use our bot on your server using this awesome link! no paid features I swear
To get started, type /
and see the list of commands. Try playing some games such as connect four -amazing- or hangman -wholesome!-.
First, check the following requirements:
- Git, for version control
- Golang 1.15 or higher with go-modules for dependencies
- A running instance of Redis v5 or higher
Clone the project on your local machine:
git clone /~https://github.com/theovidal/bacbot # HTTP
git clone git@github.com:theovidal/bacbot # SSH
Set up some environment variables described in the .env.example file, either by adding them in the shell or by creating a .env file at the root of the project.
To run and test the bot, simply use go run .
. To build an executable, use go build .
- Libraries: discordgo, onyxcord
- Maintainer: Théo Vidal
[GNU GPL v3]