My arch config files. There are a few dependencies that you have to install in order to make everything work.
After you have successfully installed Arch Linux (or any Arch based distro) you may need this packages/programs to make everything work properly.
qbittorrent,mako, rofi, hyprland, alacritty, bemenu, waybar, vim, git, wofi, swwww, cliphist, brightnessctl, playerctl, pipewire, zsh, oh-my-zsh, firefox, polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1, nautilus, telegram-desktop, network-manager-dmenu, fast-fetch, nwg-look, ranger, swaylock, swayidle, bluez, htop, nerd-fonts (specially JetBrains Mono), vim plugins, gtk themes (nordic-darker or whatever you want), sddm, sddm theme
I may be forgetting a few things, but in any case, refer to the following config if you miss something:
- /~
- (SF Mono font)
Also, you should use the pacman config file from the repo. Oh, and you should use Server =$repo/os/$arch as a mirror, or these tools to find the best mirror for you: