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Releases: BaherTamer/SwiftSafeUI

Version 1.4.0

02 Mar 11:03
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SwiftSafeUI 1.4.0 Release Notes

We are excited to announce a new update of SwiftSafeUI, which continues to enhance compatibility and ease of use across different iOS versions. In this version, we have introduced new environment values & support Swift 6:

🌟 Features:

  1. safeDismiss Environment Value: Provides a dismiss action for dismissing the current view.
  2. safeIsPresented Environment Value: Provides a Boolean value indicating whether the current view is presented.

📄 Documentation:

For detailed usage examples and further documentation, please visit the new SwiftSafeUI Documentation.

Version 1.3.0

18 Oct 19:36
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SwiftSafeUI 1.3.0 Release Notes

We are excited to announce a new update of SwiftSafeUI, which continues to enhance compatibility and ease of use across different iOS versions. In this version, we have introduced new modifiers & a view to improve your development experience:

🌟 Features:

  1. safeMask(alignment:_:) Modifier: This method allows you to mask a view.
  2. safeSearchable(text:placement:prompt:suggestions:) Modifier: This method enables to add a search field to a view with customizable suggestions.
  3. SafeNavigationStack View: This view provides a navigation container for your content.

✨ Enhancements:

  1. Mark all modifiers as nonisolated
  2. Update documentation pages color
  3. Format code with swift-format

📄 Documentation:

We have transitioned our documentation from the GitHub Wiki to Swift DocC. For detailed usage examples and further documentation, please visit the new SwiftSafeUI Documentation.

Version 1.2.0

02 Oct 19:16
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SwiftSafeUI 1.2.0 Release Notes

We are excited to announce a new update of SwiftSafeUI, which continues to enhance compatibility and ease of use across different iOS versions. In this version, we have introduced new modifiers & components to improve your development experience:

🌟 Features::

  1. safeNavBarTitle(_:displayMode:) Modifier: This method allows you to set the navigation bar title for a view.
  2. safeIgnoreSafeArea(_:) Modifier: This method enables a view to ignore safe area insets.
  3. SafeScrollView Component: This view enables you to create a scrollable area for your views.

📄 Documentation:

We have transitioned our documentation from the GitHub Wiki to Swift DocC. For detailed usage examples and further documentation, please visit the new SwiftSafeUI Documentation.

Version 1.1.1

27 Sep 23:04
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SwiftSafeUI 1.1.1 Release Notes

We are excited to announce a new update of SwiftSafeUI, which continues to enhance compatibility and ease of use across different iOS versions. In this version, we have:

✨ Enhancements:

  1. Code Refactoring: Improved the structure and organization of the codebase for better readability and maintainability.
  2. Documentation Updates: Enhanced the clarity and detail of documentation to provide a better developer experience.

⚙️ Updates:

  1. Swift Version: Updated to Swift 5.10 for compatibility with the latest language features and improvements.

📜 Documentation:

For detailed usage examples and further documentation, please visit our Wiki.

Version 1.1.0

21 Sep 17:28
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SwiftSafeUI 1.1.0 Release Notes

We are excited to announce a new update of SwiftSafeUI, which continues to enhance compatibility and ease of use across different iOS versions. In this version, we have introduced new modifiers to improve your development experience:

🌟 Features:

  1. safeOnChange Modifier: A custom modifier to perform an action when a value is changed.
  2. safeLineLimit Modifier: A custom modifier to manage line limit with reserves space.
  3. safeNavBarHidden Modifier: A custom modifier that handles the visibility of navigation bar.

📜 Documentation:

For detailed usage examples and further documentation, please visit our Wiki.

SwiftSafeUI Release 🎉

26 May 07:15
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SwiftSafeUI 1.0.0 Release Notes

We are excited to announce the first release of SwiftSafeUI, a package designed to handle SwiftUI deprecations and ensure compatibility across different iOS versions. This initial release includes the following features:

🌟 Features:

  1. safeBackground Modifier: A custom modifier to handle background view deprecation.
  2. safeTintColor Modifier: A custom modifier to manage tint color deprecation.
  3. safeForegroundColor Modifier: A custom modifier to address foreground color deprecation.
  4. safeOverlay Modifier: A custom modifier to handle overlay view deprecation.
  5. safeAutocapitalization Modifier: A custom modifier to manage autocapitalization behavior based on iOS versions.

📜 Documentation:

For detailed usage examples and further documentation, please visit our Wiki.