A lightweight and easy-to-use discord bot for all guild activities in Wynncraft.
Features • How To Use • Download • Credits • License
This is a quite versitile discord bot, with a few commands, like:
- Detector, a background task you can set up to passively track all things guild wars, including:
- When and who takes your territory, at what time, and how long it lasted
- When you take someone eles's territory, how long it lasted, and who it was taken from.
- A somewhat accurate list of attacking members, and what world they were on.
- Pings for when you lose a territory, and a customizable cooldown.
- Compatability with running with multiple guilds at once.
- A command which auto-fills what you are detecting, and allows you to remove it.
- Guild Commands, a very expansive amount of commands, like:
- Overview: Allows you to get a quick overview of a guild, like level, online members, etc.
- Inactivity: A command which shows you the last login date of every single user, and organizes them in pages.
- Activity online_members: Shows a graph displaying the average amount of online members a guild has for the past day.
- Activity territories: Shows a graph displaying the amount of territories a guild has for the past 3 days.
- Activity total_members: Shows a graph displaying the total members a guild has for the past day.
- Activity wars: Shows a graph displaying the total amount of wars a guild has done over the past 3 days.
- Activity playtime: Shows the graph displaying the average amount of players online over the past day.
- Activity xp: Shows a bar graph displaying the total xp a guild has every day, for the past 2 weeks.
- Leaderboard xp: Shows a leaderboard of the top 10 guild's xp gained over the past 24 hours.
- Leaderboard wars: Shows a leaderboard of the top 10 guild's war amount.
- Leaderboard online_members: Shows a leaderboard of the top 10 guild's average amount of online players.
- Leaderboard playtime: Shows a leaderboard of the top 10 guild's playtime percentage.
- Leaderboard total_members: Shows a leaderboard of the top 10 guild's total members.
- Player Commands, a couple of commands, like:
- Activity playtime: Shows the graph displaying the average amount minutes played every day for the past 2 weeks.
- Activity xp: Shows a bar graph displaying the total xp a player gained every day, for the past 2 weeks.
- HQ Calculator, a command that allows you to calculate the best HQ locations based on strength
- Based on what your guild owns, or can be switched for the best hq in the whole map.
- Overview, a command that shows stats like:
- Owner, Online, Total members, Wars and territory count, Top Season Ratings and Top Contributing Members.
Due to limited API usage, if you intend to use Detector, you must self host the bot. To add, for any /guild activity and /guild leaderboard commands, you will need generateActivitySQL.py creating the database for it. Or you can join the Fruman Bee discord to use our database.
To use this discord bot, you need to either pick the legacy, webhook version, or the supported discord bot.
If you use our hosted bot, you can add it to your server via this link, but it will not have the full capabilities due to api ratelimits, notably losing access to Detector. If you want to use the full capabilities, you should self host the bot.
To clone and run this discord bot, you'll need Git, Python and Pip installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone /~https://github.com/badpinghere/dernal
# Go into the repository
$ cd dernal
# Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# Rename env file and add your bot token
$ mv .env.example .env
$ nano .env
# Run the app
$ python3 dernal.py
To clone and run this webhook script, you'll need Git, Python and Pip installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone /~https://github.com/badpinghere/dernal
# Go into the repository
$ cd dernal
# Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements_legacy.txt
# Rename and edit config_template.ini
$ mv config_template.ini config.ini
$ nano config.ini
# Run the app
$ python dernal_legacy.py
You can download the latest installable version of dernal.py for Windows, macOS and Linux.
This software was inspired by:
- BoxFot
- Nori
- Wynncraft-Territory-Info
badpinghere.tech · GitHub @BadPingHere · Discord Ping#6175