The smallest in-memory database software in the world.
- Lightweight and fast JSON in-memory database (2.66KB minified).
- Works with JSON out of the box (100% JSON data structure support).
- Persistent storage using NDJSON log files.
- Support for multiple indexes.
- CRUD operations and basic search capabilities.
Clone the repository:
git clone /~
Navigate to the project directory and install dependencies:
npm install
Start it
npm run start
const { butterfly, db } = require('./butterfly.js'); // Adjust path if necessary
(async () => {
// Adding a complex user object
const complexUser = {
id: 1,
name: "John Doe",
email: "",
address: {
street: "123 Main St",
city: "Springfield",
state: "IL",
postalCode: "62704"
preferences: {
theme: "dark",
notifications: true
roles: ["admin", "editor"]
await db.setKey(butterfly.INDEX_2, 'user_1', complexUser);
// Retrieving and updating complex objects
const retrievedUser = await db.getKey(butterfly.INDEX_2, 'user_1');
retrievedUser.preferences.theme = "light"; // Update a nested property
await db.setKey(butterfly.INDEX_2, 'user_1', retrievedUser); // Save the updated user object
const product = {
id: 101,
name: "Wireless Headphones",
description: "Noise-cancelling over-ear headphones with Bluetooth connectivity.",
price: 299.99,
stock: 150,
categories: ["Electronics", "Audio"],
specifications: {
batteryLife: "30 hours",
weight: "250g",
color: "Black"
await db.setKey(butterfly.INDEX_3, 'product_101', product);
// Creating and managing an order object
const order = {
id: 5001,
userId: 1,
products: [
{ productId: 101, quantity: 2 },
{ productId: 102, quantity: 1 }
totalAmount: 599.97,
status: "Processing"
await db.setKey(butterfly.INDEX_4, 'order_5001', order);
// Searching for products that have 'Bluetooth' in the description
const searchResults = await db.searchKeys(butterfly.INDEX_3, "Bluetooth");
console.log("Search Results:", searchResults);
// Generating a new ID for a product
const newProductId = await db.getNewID(butterfly.INDEX_3);
console.log("New Product ID:", newProductId);
Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements or new features, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.