In this assignment, you will build an entire web application, using Vue CLI for the front end and Node, Express, and Mongo on the back end.
To start the lab, you must follow this GitHub Classroom link. This will create a private repository for you using our classroom site. We will only grade repositories created and submitted this way.
Once you "Accept the assignment" on GitHub Classroom, it will create a new repository for you and grant you access to it on GitHub. In order to start working on the lab, simply clone the repository to your laptop or other working environment.
Use the tutorials to create the application. This will help you create an application for sharing photos, including user authentication, uploading photos to a user's account, seeing all the photos in a user's account, and showing all photos on the home page. Once you are done, the home page should look like this:
and a user's photo page should look like this:
Once you complete these introductory tutorials, add the following functionality:
Then install your app on Digital Ocean.
In a footer, you must include a link to your GitHub repository, which must be stored in GitHub Classroom.
On Canvas, submit the URL for your website, which should be running on your DigitalOcean server.
When we grade these labs, we will award points using the following rubric:
Item | Points |
The material in the tutorial works. Add ten photos of your own from at least two different accounts to demonstrate this. | 70 |
Photo page meets requirements | 10 |
Comments meet requirements | 20 |