- table
- Fix server side Pagination
- table
- Fix server side Pagination
- enlarge help and up to start button
- Menu
- remove alert ("log off")
- Menu
- fix log off, add click event o a
- Table
- Adds variants for pagination buttons
- Table:
- Fixes issue with rounded corners on pagination button under the table
- Updates colors scheme for disabled buttons
- table
- Fixes the appearance issues related to Table paginator.
- Fixes issue with options component not displaying items correctly
- New pagination component
- Removes the option for selecting page index string type of "pages" or "items". "items" will be the default and only option to show pagination info now.
- Fixes the issue with updating the number of displayed items correctly.
- Makes "items" the default type for displaying pagination info.
- menu
- change submenu buttons to a link and add link menuitems to support right click menu
- menu
- add internal & target to menuItemType to support handle menuEntries open in same or other window
- Adds option for enabling/disabling show/hide column menu in table.
- Adds option to show number of items displayed instead of number of pages.
- Fixes an issue where "0" values return empty string.
- Fixes an issue with truncation of text in Facet headers and options.
- Table
- fix resizing issues after page size or page index changes
- Add Select All and Deselect All in columns menu
- Convert JSON to CSV and export as CSV
- Export as JSON to fix special characters and encoding issues
- Facets
- Replace column class function with more efficient solution
- Sort options in ShowMore alphabetically Table
- Add titles for components for better accessibility
- Remove z-index from pagination buttons
- change footer position in page component
- Add aria-label to Table and other components
- Facets
- Add aria-label to Facets component
- sort by count if exists, reorder more view, truncate long names,
- Search
- Add aria-label to Search component
- Table: add column
- Updates indicator text for current page and possible number of pages in a Table
- Fixes client-side search on Table
- Adds "No rows available" text in Table if search or filter returns no rows.
- Facets
- Replaces groups array with a writable store to re-render component on data manipulation.
- Adds selected attribute to the type so that Facets can be initialized with some selected values.
- Update Facets with new params and add onChange action
- Changes structure of Facets data
- Adds on:change action
- fixes rendering issues with Table filters and different components
- Exports Facets component
- menu
- fix code isses
- Table
- fix lib issue
- Menu
- fix log off
- Fixes issue with sticky Tables not rendering the filters correctly.
- Fixes issues related to date picker in Tables with date filters.
- Updates default Table page sizes to [5, 10, 20, 50, 100].
- Updates the structure of server-side configuration for Tables.
- Adds new page size dropdown in Table for to fix contrast issues in the component.
- Adds showing/hiding Table columns.
- Adds Facets component.
- page
- add notification if api call to backend faild
- menu
- remove capitalization from menu item
- table
- Adds config for enabling and disabling Search field on Table.
- Adds action dispatcher as prop for the renderComponent.
- Adds unique IDs for Search reset and submit buttons.
- table
- adds searching for missing values in the filters #744
- missing values for every data type
- display patterns for date/time/datetime types
- update libs
- remove eslint-plugin-svelte3
- update svelte, sveltekit, typescript, tailwind ...
- table
- Enable searching on server-side
- table
- Server-side searching
- Case-insensitive filtering of missing values
- Date formatting for display patterns
- Handle missing values regardless of the data type
- update dependency libaries
- svelte
- sveltekit
- vite
- table
- Server-side data fetching
- Server-side filtering
- Server-side sorting
- Server-side pagination
- New filtering workflow & UI
- New pagination component
- add on:change passthrough to TextInput, TextArea, DateInput, NumberInput, CheckBox
- multi select
- update svelte-select libary
- refactor filterFn (new order - > exact, start, includes)
- fix issues with clearable
- add application name into the breadcrumb component
- change home within breadcrumb from "app"-based home to "/" in general
- There was an issue in case the application is routing through sub-apps. By that, "home" was redirecting to the home of the sub-app, but not to the general "/" anymore.
- listeItemType
- add description
- FileUpload
- add progressbar during upload
- Table
- fix update issue with first row entry
- listeItemType
- add description
- Page
- add automatic scroll to top button next to help
- Table
rowHeight (number)
: fixed height for rows in pixels. (if combined with resizability, acts as minimum height)exportability (boolean)
: if toggled true, lets user to export the current state of the table as CSV.- Optimized styles for dark mode.
- Bug fix related to empty tables.
- Migrated to new TableOfContents (Beta) on documentation page.
- LightSwitch for toggling dark mode on documentation pages.
- Optimized surface colors in dark mode.
- add bexis2theme
- update skeleton ui -> 2.5.0
- resizability for Table rows and columns
- fixedWidth and minWidth options for columns
- validation and syntax check for code editor component
- fix routes for 'file' components ('.../file/...' -> '.../File/...')
- 'Table' component is able to display heterogeneous data, that means data items/rows might have a different number of properties/columns.
- add disbaled propertie to
- TextInput
- TextArea
- NumberInput
- DateInput
- add disabled to multiselect
- fix brand stretching
- add fixLeft to page
- hide console.logs
- file uploader return list of uploaded files after success
- add ids to table and code editor components
- add CodeEditor component
- Page title update on breadcrumb
- fix multiselect bug from prev version
- Multiselect
- fix target bug with simple list and list of simple values
- Multiselect
- fix target bind bug
- Table
- width - fit to screen
- Cell - drag to change the height
- define a height to scroll the content
- header allways on top whie scrolling
- Page - centered -> min width defined
- MultiSelect -> add clearable
- change fileUploaderModel to FileUploaderType
- remove AllFilesReadable, AsciiFileReaderInfo & LastModification from fileuploaderType
- add file reader types
- fileReaderInfoType,
- asciiFileReaderInfoType
- add file reader enums
- decimalCharacterType,orientationType,textMarkerType,textSeperatorType
- Table Change order of text filter options
- fix menu
- update navbar
- update libs
- Error Message
- Spinner Update
- postion default is center
- Surface color changed
- Page: contentPageLayoutType
- helpStore
- helpStoreType
- helpItemType
- Menu
- Update Page
refactoring based on naming conventions (https://bexis2.github.io/bexis2-core-ui/code/naming/)
- fix issue in index.ts file for export components
refactoring based on naming conventions (https://bexis2.github.io/bexis2-core-ui/code/naming/)
- add Help, helpStore
- update Page
- MultiSelect
- loading flag
- isValid
- MultiSelect
- pass all events from svelte select
- MultiSelect
- grouped source also works now in case of complex source & return single value
- MultiSelect
- set isMulti to false to get also a single value
- MultiSelect
- pass events
- placeholder
- MultiSelect
- add placeholder
- add id
- add ItemGroup
- MultiSelect
- remove skeleton css classes from svelte select input
- remove massive console.logs
- Table
- change submit to apply filter
- show emtpy table if not data is in the store
- add option of including custom rendering component
- MultiSelect
- isTargetComplex -> complexTarget
- isComplex -> complexSource
- DropdownKVP
- targetIsComplex -> complexTarget
test for deploy
test table
- MultiSelect
- return complex type is available now
- Page
- add menu (beta)
- ListItem
- KvP
- position
- DropdownKVP
- return of the target to complex or id only
- TextInput, TextArea, Number
- add placeholder
- Alert
- Spinner
- label
- color
- position
- Table
- Date filters
- Configuration for complex types
- Custom event dispatcher
- Updated docs.
- Disabling of filters
- Disabling of sorting
- Arrow in pageSize dropdown.
- Bug with number filter not working on zero values.
- Table of Contents on the right sidebar.
- linkType
- Page
- Table
- TableFilter
- cloumnFilter
- searchFilter
- TableConfig
- Columns
- Column
- inputType
- fix bugs in checkbox list
- fix bugs in multi select
- Spinner
- FileUploader
- fileInfoType
- FileIcon
- fileUploaderModel
- update bexis 2 theme
- Checkbox
- CheckboxKVPList
- CheckboxList
- DateInput
- DropdownKVP
- MultiSelect
- NumberInput
- TextArea
- TextInput