Project for CIS*4650. (Compilers) Performs Lexical + Syntactic Analysis, Semantic Analysis and Code Gen
- Ben Carlson
- Conor Roberts
Semester: W23 Current milestone: 3
- Refer to docs folder
- Testing can be seen under
You have two options for running this project:
- 1: use the test scripts ( and (
- these test the ability to print the ast to stdout and to files
- 2: use makefile rules
- See makefile for further explanation
see above
This project includes multiple different components to it:
- Represents grammar rules defined in the
specification - These can be split into declarations and expressions\
- A list of grammar rules outlined within the cminus specification files
- These create the objects within the absyn classes
- Regex and lexical parsing in .cm files
- This data is then piped into our cminus.cup grammar
- Driver code for the abstract syntax tree created for a .cm file
- Driver file for all asm code generation