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The Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for Android enables developers to acquire security tokens from the Microsoft identity platform to authenticate users and access secured web APIs for their Android based applications. The MSAL library for Android gives your app the ability to use the Microsoft Cloud by supporting Microsoft Azure Active Directory and Microsoft Personal Accounts using industry standard OAuth2 and OpenID Connect. The library also supports Azure AD B2C.
ADAL Android was deprecated on June 2023. We do not support ADAL. See the ADAL to MSAL migration guide for Android
- Before you can get a token from Azure AD v2.0 or Azure AD B2C, you'll need to register an application. To register your app, use the Azure portal. For Azure AD B2C, checkout how to register your app with B2C.
- Min SDK Version 16+
- Target SDK Version 33+
Add to your app's build.gradle:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.microsoft.identity.client:msal:4.9.+'
Please also add the following lines to your repositories section in your gradle script:
maven {
url 'https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/MicrosoftDeviceSDK/DuoSDK-Public/_packaging/Duo-SDK-Feed/maven/v1'
It's simplest to create your configuration file as a "raw" resource file in your project resources. You'll be able to refer to this using the generated resource identifier when constructing an instance of PublicClientApplication. If you are registering your app in the portal for the first time, you will also be provided with this config JSON.
"client_id" : "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>",
"broker_redirect_uri_registered": true,
NOTE: In the
refers to the package name returned by thecontext.getPackageName()
method. This package name is the same as theapplication_id
defined in yourbuild.gradle
NOTE: This is the minimum required configuration. MSAL relies on the defaults that ship with the library for all other settings. Please refer to the configuration file documentation to understand the library defaults.
- Request the following permissions via the Android Manifest
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
- Configure an intent filter in the Android Manifest, using your redirect URI
NOTE: Failure to include an intent filter matching the redirect URI you specify via configuration will result in a failed interactive token request. Please double check this!
<!--Intent filter to capture authorization code response from the default browser on the device calling back to our app after interactive sign in -->
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
NOTE: Please refer to this FAQ for more information on common redirect uri issues.
NOTE: In this example we are creating an instance of MultipleAccountPublicClientApplication, which is designed to work with apps that allow multiple accounts to be used within the same application. If you would like to use SingleAccount mode, refer to the single vs. multi account documentation. You can also check out the quickstart for examples of how this is used.
- Create a new MultipleAccountPublicClientApplication instance.
String[] scopes = {"User.Read"};
IMultipleAccountPublicClientApplication mMultipleAccountApp = null;
IAccount mFirstAccount = null;
new IPublicClientApplication.IMultipleAccountApplicationCreatedListener() {
public void onCreated(IMultipleAccountPublicClientApplication application) {
mMultipleAccountApp = application;
public void onError(MsalException exception) {
//Log Exception Here
- Acquire a token interactively
final AcquireTokenParameters.Builder builder = new AcquireTokenParameters.Builder();
final AcquireTokenParameters parameters = builder.build();
private AuthenticationCallback getAuthInteractiveCallback() {
return new AuthenticationCallback() {
public void onSuccess(IAuthenticationResult authenticationResult) {
/* Successfully got a token, use it to call a protected resource */
String accessToken = authenticationResult.getAccessToken();
// Record account used to acquire token
mFirstAccount = authenticationResult.getAccount();
public void onError(MsalException exception) {
if (exception instanceof MsalClientException) {
//An exception from the client (MSAL)
} else if (exception instanceof MsalServiceException) {
//An exception from the server
public void onCancel() {
/* User canceled the authentication */
- Acquire a token silently
Before getting a token silently for the account used to previously acquire a token interactively, we recommend that you verify that the account is still present in the local cache or on the device in case of brokered auth
Let's use the synchronous methods here which can only be invoked from a Worker thread
//On a worker thread
IAccount account = mMultipleAccountApp.getAccount(mFirstAccount.getId());
if(account != null){
//Now that we know the account is still present in the local cache or not the device (broker authentication)
//Request token silently
String[] newScopes = {"Calendars.Read"};
String authority = mMultipleAccountApp.getConfiguration().getDefaultAuthority().getAuthorityURL().toString();
//Use default authority to request token from pass null
final AcquireTokenSilentParameters.Builder builder = new AcquireTokenSilentParameters.Builder();
final AcquireTokenSilentParameters parameters = builder.build();
final IAuthenticationResult result = mMultipleAccountApp.acquireTokenSilent(parameters);
MSAL uses reflection and generic type information stored in .class
files at runtime to support various persistence and serialization related functionalities. Accordingly, library support for minification and obfuscation is limited. A default configuration is shipped with this library; please file an issue if you find any issues.
If you have any questions regarding the usage of MSAL Android, please utilize Chat with Copilot for assistance. If you would like to report any bugs or feature requests, please create a support ticket with your Microsoft representative.
We enthusiastically welcome contributions and feedback. You should clone the repo and start contributing now.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.
Please note that this project uses Lombok internally and while using Android Studio you will need to install Lombok Plugin to get the project to build successfully within Android Studio.
MSAL is a security library. It controls how users sign-in and access services. We recommend you always take the latest version of our library in your app when you can. We use semantic versioning so you can control the risk of updating your app. For example, always downloading the latest minor version number (e.g. x.y.x) ensures you get the latest security and feature enhanements with the assurance that our API surface area has not changed. You can always see the latest version and release notes under the Releases tab of GitHub.
If you find a security issue with our libraries or services, please report the issue to secure@microsoft.com with as much detail as you can provide. Your submission may be eligible for a bounty through the Microsoft Bounty program. Please do not post security issues to GitHub Issues or any other public site. We will contact you shortly after receiving your issue report. We encourage you to get new security incident notifications by visiting Microsoft technical security notifications to subscribe to Security Advisory Alerts.
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License (the "License");