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Azure OpenAI end-to-end basic reference implementation

This reference implementation illustrates a basic approach for authoring and running a chat application in a single region with Prompt flow and Azure OpenAI. This reference implementation supports the Basic Azure OpenAI end-to-end chat reference architecture.

The implementation will have you build and test a Prompt flow in the Azure AI Foundry portal and deploy the flow to an Azure Machine Learning online managed endpoint. You'll be exposed to common generative AI chat application characteristics such as:

  • Creating prompts
  • Querying data stores for grounding data
  • Python code
  • Calling language models (such as GPT models)

The reference implementation illustrates a basic example of a chat application. For a reference implementation that implements more enterprise requirements, please see the OpenAI end-to-end baseline reference implementation. That implementation addresses many of the production readiness changes identified in this code.


The implementation covers the following scenarios:

  1. Authoring a flow - Authoring a flow using Prompt flow in Azure AI Foundry
  2. Deploying a flow - The client UI is hosted in Azure App Service and accesses the Azure OpenAI Service via a Managed online endpoint.

Deploying a flow to Azure Machine Learning managed online endpoint

Diagram of the architecture for deploying a flow to Azure Machine Learning managed online endpoint hosted in Azure AI Foundry. It shows an App Service hosting a sample application fronting an Azure AI Foundry project with associated connections and services.

The architecture diagram illustrates how a front-end web application connects to a managed online endpoint hosting the Prompt flow logic.

Deployment guide

Follow these instructions to deploy this example to your Azure subscription, try out what you've deployed, and learn how to clean up those resources.


  • An Azure subscription

    • The subscription must have the following resource providers registered.

      • Microsoft.AlertsManagement
      • Microsoft.CognitiveServices
      • Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
      • Microsoft.KeyVault
      • Microsoft.Insights
      • Microsoft.MachineLearningServices
      • Microsoft.ManagedIdentity
      • Microsoft.OperationalInsights
      • Microsoft.PolicyInsights
      • Microsoft.Storage
    • The subscription selected must have the following quota available in the location you'll select to deploy this implementation.

      • Azure OpenAI: Standard, GPT-35-Turbo, 25K TPM
      • Storage Accounts: 1
      • Total Cluster Dedicated Regional vCPUs: 4
      • Standard DASv4 Family Cluster Dedicated vCPUs: 4
  • Your deployment user must have the following permissions at the subscription scope.

    • Ability to assign Azure roles on newly created resource groups and resources. (E.g. User Access Administrator or Owner)
    • Ability to purge deleted AI services resources. (E.g. Contributor or Cognitive Services Contributor)
  • The Azure CLI installed

    If you're executing this from WSL, be sure the Azure CLI is installed in WSL and is not using the version installed in Windows. which az should show /usr/bin/az.

  • The az Bicep tools installed

1. πŸš€ Deploy the infrastructure

The following steps are required to deploy the infrastructure from the command line.

  1. In your shell, clone this repo and navigate to the root directory of this repository.

    git clone /~
    cd openai-end-to-end-basic
  2. Log in and set your target subscription.

    az login
    az account set --subscription xxxxx
  3. Set the deployment location to one with available quota in your subscription.

    This deployment has been tested in the following locations: australiaeast, eastus, eastus2, francecentral, japaneast, southcentralus, swedencentral, switzerlandnorth, or uksouth. You might be successful in other locations as well.

  4. Set the base name value that will be used as part of the Azure resource names for the resources deployed in this solution.

    BASE_NAME=<base resource name, between 6 and 8 lowercase characters, all DNS names will include this text, so it must be unique.>
  5. Create a resource group and deploy the infrastructure.

    az group create -l $LOCATION -n $RESOURCE_GROUP
    PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az ad signed-in-user show --query id -o tsv)
    # This takes about 10 minutes to run.
    az deployment group create -f ./infra-as-code/bicep/main.bicep \
      -g $RESOURCE_GROUP \
      -p baseName=${BASE_NAME} \
      -p yourPrincipalId=$PRINCIPAL_ID

2. Deploy a Prompt flow from Azure AI Foundry portal

To test this architecture, you'll be deploying a pre-built Prompt flow. The Prompt flow is "Chat with Wikipedia" which adds a Wikipedia search as grounding data.

  1. Open Azure AI Foundry's projects by going to

  2. Click on the 'Chat with Wikipedia project' project name. This is the project where you'll deploy your flow.

  3. Click on Prompt flow in the left navigation.

  4. On the Flows tab, click + Create.

  5. Under Explore gallery, find "Chat with Wikipedia" and click Clone.

  6. Set the Folder name to chat_wiki and click Clone.

    This copies a starter Prompt flow template into your Azure Files storage account. This action is performed by the managed identity of the project. After the files are copied, then you're directed to a Prompt flow editor. That editor experience uses your own identity for access to Azure Files.

  7. Connect the extract_query_from_question Prompt flow step to your Azure OpenAI model deployment.

    • For Connection, select 'aoai' from the dropdown menu. This is your deployed Azure OpenAI instance.
    • For deployment_name, select 'gpt35' from the dropdown menu. This is the model you've deployed in that Azure OpenAI instance.
    • For response_format, select '{"type":"text"}' from the dropdown menu
  8. Connect the augmented_chat Prompt flow step to your Azure OpenAI model deployment.

    • For Connection, select the same 'aoai' from the dropdown menu.
    • For deployment_name, select the same 'gpt35' from the dropdown menu.
    • For response_format, also select '{"type":"text"}' from the dropdown menu.
  9. Click Save on the flow.

3. Test the Prompt flow from the Azure AI Foundry portal

Here you'll test your flow by invoking it directly from the Azure AI Foundry portal. The flow still requires you to bring compute to execute it from. The compute you'll use when in the portal is the default Serverless offering, which is only used for portal-based Prompt flow experiences. The interactions against Azure OpenAI are performed by your identity; the bicep template has already granted your user data plane access.

  1. Click Start compute session.

  2. πŸ•— Wait for that button to change to Compute session running. This may take about five minutes.

    If you get an error related to pip and dependency resolver, this is because of the temporary workaround you followed in the prior steps, this is safe to ignore.

    Do not advance until the serverless compute is running.

  3. Click the enabled Chat button on the UI.

  4. Enter a question that would require grounding data through recent Wikipedia content, such as a notable current event.

  5. A grounded response to your question should appear on the UI.

4. Deploy the Prompt flow to an Azure Machine Learning managed online endpoint

Here you'll take your tested flow and deploy it to a managed online endpoint.

  1. Click the Deploy button in the UI.

  2. Choose Existing endpoint and select the one called ept-chat-BASE_NAME.

  3. Set the following Basic settings, and click Next.

    • Deployment name: ept-chat-deployment
    • Virtual machine: Choose a small virtual machine size from which you have quota. 'Standard_D2as_v4' is plenty for this sample.
    • Instance count: 3. This is the recommended minimum count.
    • Inferencing data collection: Enabled
  4. Set the following Advanced settings, and click Next.

    • Deployment tags: You can leave blank.
    • Environment: Use environment of current flow definition.
    • Application Insights diagnostics: Enabled
  5. Ensure the Output & connections settings are still set to the same connection name and deployment name as configured in the Prompt flow, and click Next.

  6. Click the Create button.

    There is a notice on the final screen that says:

    Following connection(s) are using Microsoft Entra ID based authentication. You need to manually grant the endpoint identity access to the related resource of these connection(s).

    • aoai

    This has already been taken care of by your IaC deployment. The managed online endpoint identity already has this permission to Azure OpenAI, so there is no action for you to take.

  7. πŸ•˜ Wait for the deployment to finish creating.

    The deployment can take over ten minutes to create. To check on the process, navigate to the Deployments screen using the link in the left navigation. Eventually 'ept-chat-deployment' will be on this list and then eventually the deployment will be listed with a State of 'Succeeded'. Use the Refresh button as needed.

    Do not advance until this deployment is complete.

5. Test the deployed Prompt flow from the Azure AI Foundry portal

  1. Click on the deployment name, 'ept-chat-deployment'.

  2. Click on the Test tab.

  3. Verify the managed online endpoint is working by asking a similar question that you did from the Prompt flow screen.

6. Publish the chat front-end web app

Workloads build chat functionality into an application. Those interfaces usually call APIs which in turn call into Prompt flow. This implementation comes with such an interface. You'll deploy it to Azure App Service using its run from package capabilities.


az webapp deploy -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $APPSERVICE_NAME --type zip --src-url

Sometimes the prior deployment will fail with a GatewayTimeout. If you receive that error, you're safe to simply execute the command again.

🏁 Try it out. Test the deployed application.

After the deployment is complete, you can try the deployed application by navigating to the Web App's URL in a web browser.

You can also execute the following from your workstation. Unfortunately, this command does not reliably work from Azure Cloud Shell.

az webapp browse -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $APPSERVICE_NAME

Once you're there, ask your solution a question. Like before, you question should ideally involve recent data or events, something that would only be known by the RAG process including content from Wikipedia.

🧹 Clean up resources

Most Azure resources deployed in the prior steps will incur ongoing charges unless removed. Additionally, a few of the resources deployed go into a soft delete status which may restrict the ability to redeploy another resource with the same name and may not release quota, so it is best to purge any soft deleted resources once you are done exploring. Use the following commands to delete the deployed resources and resource group and to purge each of the resources with soft delete.

Note: This will completely delete any data you may have included in this example and it will be unrecoverable.

az group delete -n $RESOURCE_GROUP -y

# Purge the soft delete resources
az keyvault purge -n kv-${BASE_NAME} -l $LOCATION
az cognitiveservices account purge -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -l $LOCATION -n oai-${BASE_NAME}


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With ❀️ from Azure Patterns & Practices, Azure Architecture Center.