- Axway Service Broker for Pivotal Cloud Foundry based on Fully brokered Architecture
This artifact successfully tested with following versions:
- Axway AMPLIFY API Management 7.6.2 SP3 and v7.7.20200330
- Pivtoal Platform - 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9
- Axway AMPLIFY API Management 7.6.2 SP3 or above
- JDK 1.8.0_xxx
- Apache Maven 3.3.9 or above
- Pivotal Cloud Foundry Elastic Runtime version 1.12 or above
- CF Cli version 6.32.0+0191c33d9.2017-09-26 or above
- Service Broker version 2.12 or above
Add a custom property to organizations
Edit the following file:
Insert the following code fragment marked in bold in the organizations property:
customPropertiesConfig: { organization: { service_instance_id:{ label: 'Service Instance Id' } }, api: { cfBindingId:{ label: 'Cloud Foundry Binding Id', permissions: { admin: { read: true, write: true, visible:true }, oadmin: { read: true, write: false, visible:true }, user: { read: true, write: false, visible:true } } } } }
Publish Server broker Application
Check out the code from github
$git clone /~https://github.com/Axway-API-Management-Plus/Cloud-Foundry-Service-Broker-Sample.git
Build the project (output from
cf push
command provides fully qualified URL as output)$mvn clean package
or you can use the following command if you want to skip testing step:
$mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
Now, you can push your app to PCF:
$cf push Showing health and status for app axway-apim-service-broker in org axwaydev / space dev as admin... OK requested state: started instances: 1/1 usage: 1G x 1 instances urls: axway-apim-service-broker-nocuous-ovoviviparousness.cfapps.pie-25.cfplatformeng.com last uploaded: Wed Jan 3 21:35:47 UTC 2018 stack: cflinuxfs2 buildpack: client-certificate-mapper=1.2.0_RELEASE container-security-provider=1.8.0_RELEASE java-buildpack=v4.5-offline-/~https://github.com/cloudfoundry/java-buildpack.git#ffeefb9 java-main java-opts jvmkill-agent=1.10.0_RELEASE open-jdk-like-jre=1.8.0_1...
Create Service Broker
$cf create-service-broker axway-apim-service-broker admin changeme http://axway-apim-service-broker-nocuous-ovoviviparousness.cfapps.pie-25.cfplatformeng.com --space-scoped Getting services from marketplace in org axwaydev / space dev as admin... OK
Note: In the
command, use an app URL shown in the output from thecf push
command -
Check whether the service broker is added in Pivotal market place
$cf marketplace Getting services from marketplace in org axwaydev / space dev as admin... OK service plans description Axway-APIM APIM Axway service broker implementation app-autoscaler standard Scales bound applications in response to load p-circuit-breaker-dashboard standard Circuit Breaker Dashboard for Spring Cloud Applications p-config-server standard Config Server for Spring Cloud Applications p-mysql 100mb MySQL databases on demand p-rabbitmq standard RabbitMQ is a robust and scalable high-performance multi-protocol messaging broker. p-redis shared-vm, dedicated-vm Redis service to provide pre-provisioned instances configured as a datastore, running on a shared or dedicated VM. p-service-registry standard Service Registry for Spring Cloud Applications p.rabbitmq solo RabbitMQ Service p.redis cache-small Redis service to provide on-demand dedicated instances configured as a cache.
Add environment variables to Service Broker
$cf set-env axway-apim-service-broker axway_apimanager_url https://myAPIM.server.com:8075 $cf set-env axway-apim-service-broker axway_apimanager_username apiadmin $cf set-env axway-apim-service-broker axway_apimanager_password changeme $cf set-env axway-apim-service-broker axway_apimanager_traffic_url https://myAPIM.server.com:8065 // In High Availability scenario the URL will be a Load Balancer URL $cf set-env axway-apim-service-broker cf_admin_username admin@axway.com $cf set-env axway-apim-service-broker cf_admin_password changme $cf set-env axway-apim-service-broker api_host uaa.sys.industry.cf-app.com $cf set-env axway-apim-service-broker TRUST_CERTS uaa.sys.industry.cf-app.com //If your PCF instance uses self-signed certs, you may need to use this environment variable to prevent some security errors
Refresh Service Broker Instance to read the new environment variable
$cf restage axway-apim-service-broker
Create Cloud Foundry Service to Bind and Unbind Routes
$cf create-service Axway-APIM APIM-Free AxwayAPIM Creating service instance AxwayAPIM in org axwaydev / space dev as admin... OK
Create service command does the following
- Fetch space name from Cloud controller and use it as organization name
- Create a new organization
- Fetch Cloud foundry login email id by calling Cloud Controller.
- Create a new User
- Reset password for the newly created user which triggers an email.
If any changes are made in the code base, publish the changes to Pivotal Elastic run time
$cf push
- Upload the following project in Axway Policy Studio
- The Policy Studio Project (src/main/resources/apiproject) must be checked-out locally and imported into Policy Studio using the option
Open Project
- Deploy this project to your instance of Axway API Gateway. You may also export the
Forward Request to API Manger Traffic Port
policy from the project and import it in your API Gateway configuration. In addition, you will need to configure Gateway Listeners similar to how it is done in the provided project: port 8065 is mapped to thePCF
listener, port 7070 is mapped to theAPI Manager Traffic
Publish a target PCF application on Pivotal Cloud Foundry runtime
Add custom attribute in a json file (param.json)
{ "apiname": "pcftest", "type": "swagger", "uri": "/v2/api-docs" }
is optional. IfapiName
is not specified, Service broker fetch the API Name and from swagger or WSDL. Possible values of type paramters arewsdl
The URI value will be context name or Fully qualified Swagger / WSDL URL (http://greeting-app2-unwrinkleable-carriole.cfapps.pie-25.cfplatformeng.com/v2/api-docs). If context name is provided as input, the service broker reads the host name from Cloud Foundry Application. -
Run Route binding command
$cf bind-route-service cfapps.pie-25.cfplatformeng.com AxwayAPIM --hostname greeting-app-tournois-postresurrection -c param.json
The route binding command invokes Axway Service broker. The Service broker creates Backend, Front-End API using Pass-Through as inbound security.
Test the Pivotal Application
Try to access your PCF application endpoint. To verify that the request goes through API Gateway, open Axway API Gateway Manager and look at the traffic tab. You should see two entries:
- One comes from GoRouter (PCF) to API Gateway
- The second one comes as a redirect from API Gateway itself
- Unbind Route - Un-bind Application from Axway Service broker
$cf unbind-route-service cfapps.pie-25.cfplatformeng.com AxwayAPIM --hostname greeting-app-tournois-postresurrection
The route unbinding command invokes Axway Service Broker and Service Broker does the following:
- If API is in Published state, it will throw an error.
- If API is in un-published state, delete front end API, backend API.
- Delete Service
$cf delete-service AxwayAPIM
Cloud Foundry delete service command does the following:
- If the service has binded application or routes, it throws an error.
- Delete Frontend and Backend APIs
- Delete applications
- Delete User
- Delete Organization
- Delete Service Broker
$cf delete-service-broker axway-apim-service-broker
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