Dotfiles of my Hyprland + Arch linux setup
Individual configs are on the Wiki page.
RGB Lightning animation on Waybar when music is playing, also there is RGB when the laptop is charging, in cava and window workflow pointer.
Easy configuration, draw and drop the config files.
Variated animations on Hyprland windows and waybar.
Custom theming for: Waybar, Firefox, Btop, Dunst, Hyprland, Spotify, Discord, Vscode (working on it), Hypridle, Nautilus, Rofi, Fastfetch, ZSH.
For these dotfiles you may need to install dependencies, this is a list of the requeriments.
You can do a workaround of these dependencies if you are an advanced user, all of the files are documented individualy.
- Waybar
- For waybar you need to install a compiled version with cava module enabled or it won't work.
- Spotify
- You need to install spicetify and search your theme, you may need to install the CSS editer extensión.
- Fastfetch
- You need to have the package lolcat installed if you want the rainbow color