A node.js library to scrape sports information from SportsTG based sites.
npm install sportstg-api
const sportstg = require('sportstg-api')
// The compId is the 'c' query param that identifies a SportsTG competition
// It will look something like this: "0-3-0-508661-0"
// http://websites.sportstg.com/comp_info.cgi?c=0-3-0-508661-0"
const compId = "0-3-0-508661-0"
// Parses the ladder table into an array of objects
// Second parameter is an optional round number
sportstg.getLadder(compId, 2)
.then((ladder) => {
// Each object key is a table heading.
// Example:
// [{b: 0, d: 0, ff: 0, fg: 0, gd: 31, l: 0, p: 1, pos: 1, pts: 3, team: "Cool Team", w: 1},...]
.catch((error) => {
// Parses a specific round's fixtures into an array of objects
// Second parameter is a non-optional round number
// Third parameter is an optional pool number. Typically 1 = regular season, 1001 = finals.
sportstg.getRoundFixtures(compId, 2, 1)
.then((fixtures) => {
// Example:
// [{homeTeam: 'Team 1', homeScore: 8, awayTeam: 'Team 2', awayScore: 3},...]
.catch((error) => {