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Build and Publish Docker Image #842

Build and Publish Docker Image

Build and Publish Docker Image #842

name: Build and Publish Docker Image
# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub.
# They are provided by a third-party and are governed by
# separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support
# documentation.
- cron: '0 10 * * *'
# If any commit message in your push or the HEAD commit of your PR contains the strings
# [skip ci], [ci skip], [no ci], [skip actions], or [actions skip]
# workflows triggered on the push or pull_request events will be skipped.
branches: [ master ]
# Publish semver tags as releases.
tags: [ 'v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+' ]
# If any commit message in your push or the HEAD commit of your PR contains the strings
# [skip ci], [ci skip], [no ci], [skip actions], or [actions skip]
# workflows triggered on the push or pull_request events will be skipped.
branches: [ master ]
# DOCKER_REGISTRY_USER: values for docker login is stored in repository variables
# DOCKER_REGISTRY_TOKEN_NAME: values for docker login is stored in repository variables
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
actions: none
checks: none
contents: read
deployments: none
issues: none
discussions: none
packages: none
pull-requests: none
repository-projects: none
security-events: none
statuses: none
# A GitHub Action to expose useful environment variables.
# /~
name: GitHub Environment Variables Action
id: env
# uses: /~
uses: FranzDiebold/github-env-vars-action@v2
# A GitHub Action to prepare default environment variables.
name: Set Default Environment Variables
id: default_env
run: |
# Use for Docker Hub if empty
[[ "${{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}}" = "" ]] && echo "" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# This action checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your workflow can access it.
# /~
name: Checkout repository
id: checkout
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: /~
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# This action sets up a go environment for use in actions by:
# - Optionally downloading and caching a version of Go by version and adding to PATH.
# - Registering problem matchers for error output.
# /~
name: Setup Golang
id: setup-go
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: /~
uses: actions/setup-go@v4
go-version: "stable"
go-version-file: './go.mod'
cache: true
# A GitHub Action for golang tests
name: Golang Tests
id: go-tests
run: |
go version
rm -rf example
go test -v -race -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...
go tool cover -html=coverage.out -o coverage.html
# /~
# issue: go version hard-coded: /~
- name: Check License Header
uses: apache/skywalking-eyes/header@main
log: "info" # optional: set the log level. The default value is `info`.
config: ".licenserc.yaml" # optional: set the config file. The default value is `.licenserc.yaml`.
token: "" # optional: the token that license eye uses when it needs to comment on the pull request. Set to empty ("") to disable commenting on pull request. The default value is ${{ github.token }}
mode: "check" # optional: Which mode License-Eye should be run in. Choices are `check` or `fix`. The default value is `check`.
# The Github action runs CIS Dockerfile benchmark against dockerfiles in repository (CIS 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 4.7, 4.9, 4.10)
# /~
name: Sysdig Benchmark Dockerfile
id: sysdig
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: /~
uses: sysdiglabs/benchmark-dockerfile@v1.0.0
# Directory of dockerfiles (default "./")
directory: "./"
# list of disallowed packages separated by comma (default ")
#disallowedPackages: ''
# list of trusted base images separated by comma (default "", meaning trust any base image)
trustedBaseImages: ""
# The Github action runs CIS Dockerfile benchmark against dockerfiles in repository (CIS 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 4.7, 4.9, 4.10)
# /~
name: Post Sysdig Benchmark Dockerfile
id: postsysdig
run: |
echo ${{ toJSON(steps.sysdig.outputs.violation_report) }} | \
jq -r .
echo ${{ toJSON(steps.sysdig.outputs.violation_report) }} | \
jq -r '.cis_docker_benchmark_violation_report[] | select(true) | .violations[]' | \
wc -l | \
xargs -I% test 0 -eq %
# Extract metadata (tags, labels) for Docker
# /~
name: Extract Docker metadata
id: meta
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: /~
uses: docker/metadata-action@v5
# for latest tag
# latest=auto for tagging latest only for "master" branch
flavor: |
# eg. refs/heads/master
# eg. refs/pull/318/merge
# shorthand for {{major}}.{{minor}}.{{patch}} (can include pre-release)
tags: |
type=raw,value=latest,enable=${{ github.ref == format('refs/heads/{0}', github.event.repository.default_branch) }}
type=raw,value=latest,enable=${{ github.ref == format('refs/heads/{0}', 'master') }}
type=raw,value=latest,enable=${{ github.ref == format('refs/heads/{0}', 'main') }}
# GitHub Action to login against a Docker registry.
# Login against a Docker registry except on PR
# /~
name: Docker Login to registry ${{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL }}
id: login
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: /~
uses: docker/login-action@v3
# Server address of Docker registry. If not set then will default to Docker Hub
registry: ${{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL }} # optional
# Username used to log against the Docker registry
username: ${{ vars.DOCKER_REGISTRY_USER }} # optional
# Password or personal access token used to log against the Docker registry
password: ${{ secrets[vars.DOCKER_REGISTRY_TOKEN_NAME] }} # optional
# Log out from the Docker registry at the end of a job
logout: true # optional, default is true
# GitHub Action to install QEMU static binaries.
# /~
name: Set up QEMU
id: qemu
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: /~
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v3
# GitHub Action to set up Docker Buildx.
# /~
name: Set up Docker Buildx
id: buildx
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: /~
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
# Build and push Docker image with Buildx (don't push on PR)
# /~
name: Build and push Docker image
id: build_and_push
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: /~
uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
context: .
push: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}
load: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
# push: true
# load: false
# tags: ${{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL }}/${{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_ORG }}/${{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_IMAGE }}:nightly
labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }}
platforms: ${{ env.DOCKER_BUILDX_PLATFORM }}
build-args: |
APP_VERSION=${{ steps.meta.outputs.version }}
# Test Docker image
name: Test Docker image
id: test_docker
run: |
docker run --rm ${{ fromJSON(steps.meta.outputs.json).tags[0] }} -version