Async Chat application with Django Channels, Websocket and JS (Ajax)
- Authentication - like always :)
- login
- register (OTP)
- Forgot password
- Authenticate with google account
- Notification system for new messages
- Video call
- Send Image (base64 encode)
- Clear history (only for room creator)
- Delete room (only for room creator)
- Change room icon
- Members list
- Celery (RabbitMQ as broker & Redis as backend)
- Add Docker
- For sending a one-time password via email, you should set your email and your email host password in 'EMAIL_HOST_USER' and 'EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD' in '' . Otherwise, sending the one-time password for user registration won't work .
git clone /~
pip install -r requirements.txt
python migrate
python runserver # and see in localhost:8000
# In another terminal, enter the following command to run celery
celery -A ChatApp worker -l info
# you also need RabbitMQ as broker and Redis as backend