LaTeX template for MSE semester, deepening project, thesis reports.
This template provides a LaTeX class which simply replaces and extends the standard directive report
This template is based on (/~ and modified for my needs. Thanks to Nicolas Jakob
This updated model is available at (/~ (here :-))
The main differences with this of Nicolas Jakobs are:
- Added new type of report (deepening)
- Remove tab space when start a new paragraph with "\" latex command. Just comment "\usepackage[parfill]{parskip}" in "/template-latex/mse-thesis.cls" if you don't want this feature
- Add a new bibliography backend "bibtex8" instead of "biber" for compatibility problem. The old option is just commented
- Add new command to add glossary and acronyms (\insertglossary)
- Modified structure example to match with the most frequent MSE report structure
- Add example using dirtree package for CD-ROM listing
It is recommended that you configure your workspace as shown below, then it will be easy to keep it updated.
Create a new folder for your report, then run git clone command.
$ git clone
Now you can start to write your report in thesis.tex
Create a new folder for your report, and then initialize your repository as usual.
$ git init
$ git remote add origin <remote-location-of-your-git>
Now you can start to write your report in thesis.tex
Different options can be defined for the document class.
Type: Boolean
Default: False
Place a confidential marker on the first page.
Type: String
Default: en
Accept: fr
, en
Language of your document.
Type: String
Default: tin
Accept: tic
, tin
Define your major, tic
for Information and Communication Technologies or tin
for Industrial Technologies.
Type: String
Path to this document class.
Type: String
Default: thesis
Accept: semester
, thesis
, deepening
Define whether it is a semester project, thesis, or a deepening project (PA).
Some metadata listed below must be provided to the document class.
Advisor of your project, it is usually the same person as \professor
Example: \advisor{Prof. John Doe}
Your full name.
Example: \author{Cyrill Gremaud}
Your e-mail address.
Example: \contact{}
Name and contact information of your expert(s).
Prof. John Doe
Name of Head of MSE.
Example: \headofmse{Fariba Moghaddam Bützberger}
When you are abroad, place the information about the school or institute where you have done your work.
Institute which is aboard
Title of your report.
Example: \title{\LaTeX\ Model MSE}
Professor(s) who follow your research.
Prof. John Doe
Prof. John Doe
Person or company who proposed the subject of your work.
Nicolas Jakob
When you are abroad, place information about the person following your research.
Prof. John Doe
Keep track of the published version of your document.
Example: \version{Version 1}