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Loader for the GOG redeem website

The GOG redeem website ( is a pain to search in. All games are listed in random order, on multiple pages and there are no search fields or filters.

This ruby script loads all game information of the redeem website and outputs them, so you can search them quickly. It shows the the page number, where the game is displayed on and then you can redeem it on the official page.


You only need to have ruby installed on your system. It was tested with ruby 2.3.1. Then copy the script into a location you have read and write permissions and you are good to go,


First you need to go to the redeem page and once solve the captcha there. Then execute the script via command line:

$ ruby gog-redeem-loader.rb -c CODE

You need to specify at least the option "-c", as the script will need your redeem code to only load the games you are allowed to choose from.

For other options run

$ ruby gog-redeem-loader.rb -h
Usage: gog-redeem-loader [options]
    -c, --code CODE                  Required. Specify your redeem CODE.
    -s, --sortby SORT                Sort method. Can be alpha, price or rating. Defaults to alpha.
    -n, --name NAME                  Only print the games with NAME in their title.
    -d, --dlc                        Also include DLCs or other bonus like soundtracks.
    -f, --force                      Force loading games from server. Skips cached results.
    -h, --help                       Print this help.

The script caches the game list into a file called games.cache-CODE, so you do not stress the GOG servers too much. If you want to refresh your cache, use the force option.

If you want to search on your own (and you are able to write some ruby code), start an irb console and load in the cache file:

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> games = Marshal.load("games.cache-CODE"))
irb(main):005:0> puts{|g| g["price"]["baseAmount"] == "5.99"}.map{|g|g["title"]+"\n"}
Zombie Night Terror Special Edition Upgrade
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 - DLC pack
Bombshell Digital Deluxe Edition Upgrade
BIT.TRIP Runner Soundtrack
BIT.TRIP BEAT Soundtrack
BIT.TRIP CORE Soundtrack
BIT.TRIP VOID Soundtrack
BIT.TRIP FATE Soundtrack
BIT.TRIP FLUX Soundtrack
1979 Revolution: Black Friday - Original Soundtrack

Or all other calls you can imagine. If you use this, please add this search to the loader with an own option and issue a pull request, so others can benefit from it :)


Search for specific title

$ ruby gog-redeem-loader.rb -c CODE -n Baphomet
Page   Name
4      Baphomets Fluch II: Die Spiegel der Finsternis 
14     Baphomets Fluch: Der Engel des Todes 
4      Baphomets Fluch: Der schlafende Drache 
11     Baphomets Fluch: The Director's Cut 

So we know the "Baphomets Fluch" games are on pages 4, 11 and 14.

Print all games sorted alphabetically

$ ruby gog-redeem-loader.rb -c CODE

Print all games sorted by price

$ ruby gog-redeem-loader.rb -c CODE -s price

Print all games sorted by average review score

$ ruby gog-redeem-loader.rb -c CODE -s rating


If you want to contribute to this script, fork this repo, do your changes and issue a pull request. Any help is appreciated. :)


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