Clone The project Using URL or download the ZIP file and extract it
- Navigate to your Chrome browser (Currently Only Chrome Canary and Chrome Dev Channel support gemini nano)
- Visit chrome://extensions/
Click on load unpacked and navigate to the folder where the files are extracted
Click on the Select Folder button
click on the puzzle shaped button and access the extension menu
Click on Study Buddy and start using the extension
Please ensure the necessary flags are turned on in the browser
Warning: Experimental features ahead! By enabling these features, you could lose browser data or compromise your security or privacy. Enabled features apply to all users of this browser. If you are an enterprise admin you should not be using these flags in production.
Make Sure the following flags are set as following
- Enables optimization guide on device -> Enabled BypassPerfRequirement
- Prompt API for Gemini Nano -> Enabled
- Summarization API for Gemini Nano -> Enabled
for detailed instruction regarding flags,visit and
For using the Ai explainer and planner ,please make sure that the model is downloaded on your local machine refer for more infor on how to download the model
for using the Summarizer ,please make sure summariser model is downloaded on your local machine refer for more info on how to download the model