In this tutorial we walk through an example of using jupyter notebooks and pandas to create a bar chart race for the US census data from the past 230 years. The final bar chart race is available here!
To view the notebook tutorial in your browser click 👉 here 👈
If you would like to run the notebook on your own machine, follow the steps below. If you already know how to run jupyter notebooks and how to install python packages, you can go straight to the notebook by running:
jupyter notebook
and then opening USCensus2020.ipynb
from within the jupyter notebook interface. The entire tutorial and all of its steps are described in the notebook.
If you need help setting up jupyter notebooks on your machine, follow the instructions below:
The only hard requirement is a running version of python 3.3 or newer. To install the latest python 3.x version go to and follow the installation instructions.
Clone this repo with:
git clone /~
cd Census2020
Create Virtual (Linux/Mac) Environment (requires venv which is included in the standard library of Python 3.3 or newer):
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
Make sure that, from now on, you run all commands from within your virtual environment.
Use the Github Desktop GUI to clone this repo to your local machine. Navigate to the Census2020
project folder and open a power shell window by pressing Shift + Right Click and selecting Open PowerShell window here
in the drop-down menu.
Create Virtual (Windows) Environment (requires venv which is included in the standard library of Python 3.3 or newer):
py -m venv env
Make sure that, from now on, you run all commands from within your virtual environment.
To install required packages run:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Once the requirements installed, you are able to start the jupyter notebook service via:
jupyter notebooks
This should automaticaly open a web browser with the notebook server. If it doesn't work you can go to a web browser and manually go to localhost:8888.
Finally, open USCensus2020.ipynb
from within the jupyter notebook interface.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This means that you are free to:
- Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
- Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
Under the following terms:
- Attribution — a link to this github repo!