Full-stack music player app is written in flutter and dart using node.js music API. Fully Functional music player with UI like Spotify app. Added 500+ royalty-free music and information about artists. Application users can make their own playlist or collect liked songs. for backend setup here
- added 1000+ music, 300+ artists
- Queue Management
- can make a collection of liked songs.
- create/delete your own playlist.
- Spotify UI clone for the best experience.
- notification player.
- recordable list for currently playing playlist ( you can drag music to set an order for playlist).
- Cache support
- Song, Album, Artist, and Playlist Search
- Best Streaming Quality
And much more
- cupertino_icons
- http
- flutter_bloc
- assets_audio_player
- hive_flutter
- cached_network_image
- url_launcher
- line_icons
- provider
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Flutter installed on your computer. From your command line:
Backend setup you can setup backend on heroku. i have attached some steps for setup in readme file of backend. and edit api/url.dart file put your own url in baseUrl variable without "https://"
$ git clone /~https://github.com/Ansh-Rathod/Flutter-Musive-app.git
$ cd Flutter-Musive-app
$ flutter pub get
$ flutter run
for backend or any other configuration feel free to contact me.