This app allows users to select a place and a date for a vacation. After recevieng the user input it computes the data and shows us the lenght of the trip, the forecast and an image of the desired place.
You can fork, clone, or download this repo and begin your project setup.
Once you clone, you may need to install some packages:
You will need to sign up here to get Geonames credentials. Signing up will get you an API key.
You will need to sign up here to get WeatherBit credentials. Signing up will get you an API key.
You will need to sign up here to get Pixabay credentials. Signing up will get you an API key.
- cd into your new folder and run in prod mode
npm install
npm run build-prod to generate a dist folder for prod
npm run start to run the Express server on port 5000
Note: The project can also be ran on dev mode, you can achieve that by putting the following command: npm run build-dev
. The port for the dev mode is localhost:8080