KuraKaani is a modern real-time chat application that enables users to create or join chat rooms and communicate instantly with other participants. The application features a clean, responsive interface and supports real-time message delivery using WebSocket technology.
- Create new rooms with auto-generated unique room IDs
- Join existing rooms using room IDs
- Copy room IDs to the clipboard for easy sharing
- Real-time user connection tracking
- Real-time message delivery
- User-friendly message interface with distinct styling for sent/received messages
- Support for multiple users in the same room
- Username display for each message
- Enter key support for sending messages
- Clean, modern interface with a dark theme
- Responsive design that works on mobile and desktop
- Toast notifications for important actions
- Smooth transitions and hover effects
- Scrollable message history
- React - UI library
- TypeScript - Type-safe programming
- Tailwind CSS - Styling and responsive design
- Vite - Build tool and development server
- React Toastify - Toast notifications
- Lucide React - Icon components
- WebSocket - Real-time communication
- Node.js - Runtime environment
- TypeScript - Type-safe programming
- ws - WebSocket server implementation
- Express - Web server framework
The front end is built as a single-page application (SPA) with React. Key components include:
- Connection management with WebSocket
- State management using React hooks
- Responsive UI components
- Real-time message handling and display
The backend implements a WebSocket server that handles:
- User connections and disconnections
- Room management
- Message broadcasting to room participants
- User count tracking
The application uses a simple message protocol over WebSocket:
"type": "join",
"payload": {
"roomid": "ROOM_ID"
"type": "chat",
"payload": {
"name": "USERNAME",
"message": "MESSAGE_CONTENT"
- Secure WebSocket connections (WSS)
- Input validation
- Room isolation (messages only broadcast to users in the same room)
- Efficient message broadcasting
- Optimized re-renders using React
- Lightweight message protocol
- Responsive design for all device sizes
- Frontend deployed on Vercel
- Backend deployed on Render
- WebSocket server configured for production use
- User authentication
- Message persistence
- Typing indicators
- Read receipts
- File sharing capabilities
- User presence indicators
- Room participant list
- Private Messaging