Welcome to Aco, short for accountability, an app made in Swift and SwiftUI that strives to give users a fresh take on achieving their screen time goals. As the name implies we hold users accountable to their friends.
In process of submitting to App Store
To get started, create a group called "Pods". Decide how long the group will last, set a limit on strikes, and establish your screen time goal.
Next, invite your friends to join the Pod. Make sure everyone's in before you officially "start" the Pod because, once you do, there's no turning back!
The pod will keep going for the duration you set. Whenever someone goes over the Pod's daily screen time limit, the number of strikes goes up. If you reach the strike limit, the pod ends within the day.
- SwiftUI
- Swift
- DarwinNotificationCenter
- DeviceActivityMonitorExtension
- DeviceActivityReportExtension
- Firebase
- Powerups (to save any unfortunate slip-ups!)
- Different types of Pods (ScreenTime, Gym, Water Intake)
/~https://github.com/ChadxBaker52 : Cofounder