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Releases: Andy4495/Kentec_35_SPI

Kentec_35_SPI v2.0.0

02 Apr 21:41
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Initial release.

Library is based on Kentec_35_SPI from Energia tivac core: /~

Changes From Version 1.0.0 Library Included with Energia

TM4C1294 Connected LaunchPad Specific Changes

  1. Add support for 12x8 font (font size 3).

  2. Default to standard SPI pins on the BoosterPack 1 connectors (pins 7, 14, 15 on J1/J2). The tivac platform core has these pins configured as SPI module 2.

  3. Use digitalWrite() instead of analogWrite() for the LCD bakclight, since my setup does not use a PWM pin for the backlight.

Other changes

  1. Disable call to _getRawTouch(), as it frequently hangs on my setup.

Full Changelog: /~