Collaborative Web Application Project Created in CS 224 Course
This web application was created as part of a collaborative group project for our CS 224 class at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse. Groups were formed in the class to work on a semester project that was presented at the conclusion of the course. The web application is called "Park Finder". On the Park Finder website, users can view different national parks and other places in the United States. A user can select a state from all 50 states in the U.S. and then view different locations within the selected state. If the user obtains an account with the web application, the user has the ability to create a "list" of places they wish to visit within their profile page. The user can select any place they want to visit and add that place to a list on their profile. The National Park Services (NPS) API was used to obtain all of the data on the national parks that are displayed on the website.
Django, a Python-based server language, was used as the server framework of the website. Django includes different useful built-in functions that were used for the project such as administrator priviliges, a SQL database with certain capabilities, and user login/account functions. The Park Finder site is hosted on a Heroku server and is accessible by anyone on the world wide web. The website is currently responsive and can maintain a user-friendly interface when the display size is changed. However, the site is not yet mobile-friendly, which is a feature that will be implemented at a later time. The website will have additional functionalities added in the future to improve the user experience. As the creators of the web application, we hope you enjoy exploring the Park Finder site. A list of resources used for the website, functionalities, and future add-ons are listed below:
Resources for Project:
- Python
- Django
- National Park Services (NPS) API:
- Heroku:
- Udemy:
- Code with Mosh:
- MDN Web Docs:
- W3Schools:
- Stack Overflow:
If you decide to login as a user to further explore or test out the Park Finder website, please do not create an account with a password that you already use for sensitive data. Use a strong password and write it down or save it somewhere as the website does not contain a "Forgot Password" feature (this will be implemented later on).
- Please Note: Logging in as the admin is not available to individuals who access this repository and/or access the Park Finder website.
- Any user can navigate around the website and select different states in order to view different national parks/places.
- Registered users can view their profile page and add parks/places they want to visit to their profile.
- Users who are registered can remove parks/places that they have added from their list.
- The admin can view users, deactivate user accounts, and activate user accounts.
- All users can access links available at the bottom of the website to explore more information regarding the National Park Services organization (the provider of the API data).
Future Add-Ons:
- Improved user interface design.
- Additional privileges granted to the admin regarding user account information.
- Implementation of Instagram or FaceBook (Meta) API that allows registered users to connect and share the lists of parks/places they want to visit with each other.
- Functionality that allows registered users to create multiple lists of places that they want to visit.
- Pop-ups that ask the user to confirm certain actions being taken.
- Search bar that allows users to search for national park or place and displays the results of the search.
- "Forgot Password" feature that allows user to retrieve their forgotten password or create a new one.
Important Assumptions for Project:
- When a user account is deactivated by the administrator of the site, it is the user's responsibility to contact the admin about the issue.
- When a user registers an account with the Park Finder website, the user must find a way to remember their password as the site does not yet have password recovery/reset features.
@Author: Andrew Krause (Owner of this repository)
@Author: Anthony Musbach
GitHub: /~
@Author: Gavin McClellan
GitHub: /~